A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Carol N. Abromaitis, Professor of English
BA, College of Notre Dame of Maryland; MA, PhD, University of Maryland
Larry V. Adam, III, Affiliate Instructor of Finance
BS, MBA, Loyola University Maryland
Mary Beth Akre, Professor of Fine Arts (Studio Arts)
BA, Loyola College in Maryland; BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art; MFA, Radford University
Birgit Albrecht, Associate Professor of Chemistry; Dean, Class of 2021
MChem, University of Surrey (England); PhD, University of Oxford (England)
Thomas Alexander, Human Resources Administrator; Department of Army Civilian
Laura L. Alpaugh, Clinical Instructor of Education, Professional Development Schools Coordinator (Secondary)
BS, Stevenson University; MA, Notre Dame University Maryland
Neil Alperstein, Professor of Communication; Academic Director, Emerging Media (Communication)
BS, PhD, University of Maryland; MA, Antioch College
Nicolino Applauso, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (Italian)
MA, Florida State University; PhD, University of Oregon
Douglas Ashworth, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BS, Drexel University; MES, Loyola University Maryland; MS, Stevens Institute
Gerard A. Athaide, Professor of Marketing
BSc, MMS, University of Bombay; MBA, PhD, Syracuse University
Kevin M. Atticks, Affiliate Instructor of Communication; Director, Apprentice House; Student Print Media Advisor
BA, Loyola College in Maryland; MA, University of Colorado (Boulder); DCD, University of Baltimore
Richard E. Auer, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (Statistics)
BS, University of Missouri (Rolla); MS, PhD, Iowa State University; MS, Loyola University Maryland
Robert T. Bailey, Professor of Engineering
BSME, MS, PhD, University of Florida; PE
Jeffrey Barnett, Professor of Psychology
BS, State University of New York, College at Oneonta; MA, PsyD, Yeshiva University; ABPP
Brian K. Barr, Associate Professor of Chemistry
BS, Elizabethtown College; PhD, Cornell University
Carolyn McNamara Barry, Professor of Psychology; Associate Dean for the Social Sciences and Graduate Programs
BS, Ursinus College; PhD, University of Maryland (College Park)
Frederick C. Bauerschmidt, Professor of Theology
BA, University of the South; MAR, Yale Divinity School; PhD, Duke University
Amy B. Becker, Associate Professor of Communication
BA, Brown University; MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ursula E. Beitter, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (German); Director, Comparative Cultures and Literary Studies
BA, Brooklyn College; MA, PhD, New York University
Auburn Bell, Affiliate Instructor of Marketing
BS, High Point University; MAS, Johns Hopkins University
David Belz, Affiliate Instructor of Communication
BA, Loyola University Maryland; MA, St. John's College
Diana Betz, Assistant Professor of Psychology
BA, Drew University; MS, PhD, University of Michigan
Natka Bianchini, Associate Professor of Fine Arts (Theatre); Dean, Class of 2019
BA, Wellesley College; MA, PhD, Tufts University
David W. Binkley, Professor of Computer Science
BS, Case Western Reserve University; MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Mavis L. Biss, Associate Professor of Philosophy
BA, Swarthmore College; MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Masudul K. Biswas, Associate Professor of Communication
BA, University of Dhaka; MA, Ohio University; PhD, Louisiana State University
Gerard Blair, Affiliate Instructor of Communication
BA, Towson University; BS, MA, Loyola College in Maryland
William E. Blouch, Professor of Accounting
BSBA, MBA, Shippensburg University; DBA, Kent State University
Kerry Boeye, Associate Professor of Fine Arts (Art History); Program Advisor, Minor in Medieval Studies
BA, Swarthmore College; PhD, University of Chicago
Letty Bonnell, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Fine Arts (Art History)
BFA, University of Oklahoma; MA, PhD, University of Maryland
David M. Bonnichsen, Affiliate Instructor of Finance
BS, Georgia Institute of Technology
Richard P. Boothby, Professor of Philosophy
BA, Yale University; MEd, Harvard University; PhD, Boston University
Charles Borges, S.J., Associate Professor of History
BS, Maharaja Sayajirao University (Baroda); MA, PhD, University of Bombay; BLiBSc, Indira Gandhi National Open University (New Delhi)
Allen Brizee, Associate Professor of Writing
BA, MA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; PhD, Purdue University
Rebecca S. Brogan, Associate Professor of Biology; Chair, Biology Department
AB, Ripon College; PhD, University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
Heidi Brown, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (French)
BA, Bucknell University; MA, PhD, The Ohio State University
Jay R. Brown, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BBA, MBA, PhD, Kent State University
Richard A. Brown, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BS, Loyola University Maryland; MS, Johns Hopkins University
Timothy Brown, S.J., Associate Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations; Special Assistant to the President for Mission Integration
BS, Georgetown University; MDiv, Fordham University; MDiv, Weston School of Theology; JD, George Mason University
Verena M. Brown, Affiliate Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, MES, Loyola College in Maryland; MA, College of Notre Dame of Maryland
Patrick Brugh, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (German); Affiliate Instructor of Sociology; Director, Language Learning Center (LLC)
MA, PhD, Washington University
James R. Bunzli, Associate Professor of Fine Arts (Theatre); Assistant Director, Honors Program
BA, Kalamazoo College; MFA, University of Texas (Austin); PhD, Bowling Green State University
John D. Burger, Professor of Economics
BS, Wake Forest University; PhD, University of North Carolina
Thomas Byrd, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BS, University of Nebraska; M.Architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology; JD, Loyola University Chicago, School of Law
Lena Caesar, Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology-Hearing Sciences; Director, Undergraduate Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, Andrews University; MS, University of Wisconsin (Madison); EdD, PhD, Western Michigan University; CCC-SLP
Martin Camper, Assistant Professor of Writing
BA, McDaniel College; MA, Carnegie Mellon University; PhD, University of Maryland (College Park)
David Carey, Jr., Professor of History; Doehler Chair in History
BA, University of Notre Dame; MA, PhD, Tulane University
Marianna E. Carlucci, Associate Professor of Psychology
BA, MS, PhD, Florida International University
Daniel P. Castillo, Assistant Professor of Theology
BA, University of Florida; MA Washington Theological Union
Diane Chaffee-Sorace, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, Wells College; MA, PhD, Duke University
Yun-Dih Chia-Smith, Educator in Residence of Education
BS, National Chengchi University (Taiwan); MS, PhD, University at Albany, State University of New York
Prince Chidyagwai, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BA, BS, Lafayette College; MA, University of Pittsburgh; PhD, Rice University
Remi Chiu, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts (Music)
ARCT, Royal Conservatory of Toronto (Canada); BAH, Queen's University (Canada); MA, PhD, McGill University
Angela Russell Christman, Professor of Theology; Director, Catholic Studies Program
BA, PhD, University of Virginia; MDiv, Virginia Technological Seminary
Tuugi Chuluun, Assistant Professor of Finance
BA, MA, Ohio University; PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology; CFA
Timothy B. P. Clark, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BA, State University of New York at Geneseo; MSEd, State University of New York (Cortland); MA, PhD, University at Albany, State University of New York
Mary Jo Coiro, Associate Professor of Psychology; Director of Clinical Training (Psychology)
BA, College of William and Mary; MA, Bryn Mawr College; PhD, University of Virginia
Jean Lee Cole, Professor of English; Director, Community-Engaged Learning and Scholarship; Program Advisor, Minor in American Studies
BA, Carleton College; MA, PhD, University of Texas (Austin)
André P. Colombat, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (French); Dean of International Programs
Baccalaureate, Lycée Jean-Puy; BA, Maîtrise, Universite Lyon II; PhD, Washington University
John J. Conley, S.J., Professor of Philosophy and Theology; Henry Knott Chair of Theology and Philosophy
BA, University of Pennsylvania; MA Fordham University; Diplome National, Universite de Bordeaux; Lic. Theol.; Centre Serves (Paris); PhD, Universite Catholique de Louvain
Katherine Hadley Cornell, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology; Division Director, Psychology, Loyola Clinical Centers
BA, Williams College; MA, Boston University; MS, PsyD, Loyola University Maryland
Gregory Corrigan, Affiliate Instructor of Marketing
BS, Florida Institute of Technology; MBA, Loyola University Maryland
Hope Bober Corrigan, Affiliate Instructor of Marketing
BS, Hood College; MS, North Carolina State University; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland
Adell Cothorne, Lecturer of Education, Clinical Instructor, Professional Development Schools Coordinator
BS, Morgan State University; MS, Johns Hopkins University; EdD, Walden University
Marian G. Crotty, Assistant Professor of Writing
BA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; MFA, Arizona State University; PhD, Florida State University
Benjamin Cruz, Affiliate Instructor of Management and International Business
BS, Northern Arizona State University; MM, Thunderbird School of Global Management
Jeffrey L. Cummings, Professor of Management and International Business
BBA, MBA, PhD, The George Washington University
Francis J. Cunningham, Associate Professor of Philosophy
BS, Fairfield University; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; MA, PhD, Fordham University
Tiffany Curtis, Lecturer of Writing
BA, MBA, University of Mississippi; MA, Mississippi University; PhD, University of Southern Mississippi
Elizabeth E. Dahl, Associate Professor of Chemistry
BSc, University of Miami; MSc, PhD, University of California (Irvine)
Ashley Davis, Affiliate Instructor of Education (Teacher Education)
BA, Frostburg State University; MEd, Loyola University Maryland
Bret W. Davis, Professor of Philosophy
BA, Trinity University; MA, PhD, Vanderbilt University
Irem Demirkan, Assistant Professor of Management and International Business
BA, Bogazici University; MS, PhD, The University of Texas at Dallas (Richardson)
Elissa Miller Derrickson, Associate Professor of Biology; Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
BS, Shippensburg University; PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Kim C. Derrickson, Associate Professor of Biology; Associate Vice President for Academic Budgets, Data, and Governance
BS, University of Wisconsin (Madison); PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Gregory N. Derry, Professor of Physics
BS, Union College; PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Christy L. DeVader, Associate Professor of Management and International Business
BS, Fort Hays State University; MA, PhD, University of Akron
Kelly R. DeVries, Professor of History
BA, Brigham Young University; MA, PhD, University of Toronto
Noelle Dichiera, Affiliate Instructor of Communication
BA, Notre Dame of Maryland University; MA, University of Baltimore
Theresa DiDonato, Associate Professor of Psychology; Director, Undergraduate Education (Psychology)
BA, Wellesley College; ScM, PhD, Brown University
Lesley DiFransico, Lecturer of Theology
BS, The Ohio State University; MA, Regent University; PhD, Catholic University of America
Joseph M. DiNatale, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BA, University of Delaware; MS, Johns Hopkins University
Chad R. Diehl, Assistant Professor of History; Program Advisor, Minor in Asian Studies
BA, Montana State University; MA, PhD, Columbia University
Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Professor of Economics
BA, Westminster College; PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Hung-bin Ding, Associate Professor of Management and International Business; Chair, Management and International Business
BA, Soochow University; MA, The George Washington University; PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Walter B. Doggett III, Affiliate Instructor of Accounting
BS, University of Virginia; MS, MS, Georgetown University; MBA, MSF, Loyola College in Maryland; CPA
Randall P. Donaldson, Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (German); Director, Graduate Program in Liberal Studies
BA, Pomona College; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
John P. Dougherty, Assistant Professor of Economics
BA, George Washington University; MS, PhD, Ohio State University
Frank P. D'Souza, Associate Professor of Finance; Chair, Finance Department
B.Com., University of Bombay (India); MBA, St. Cloud State University; PhD, Oklahoma State University
Kevin Drummey, Lecturer (Mathematics)
BA, Towson State University; MA, University of Maryland College Park; PhD, University of Maryland Baltimore County
William Ethan Duckworth, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics); Chair, Mathematics and Statistics Department
BA, Rice University; PhD, University of Oregon (Eugene)
Jane Elizabeth Edwards, Instructor of History
BA, Muskingum College; MA, University of Richmond
Mara Egorin-Williams, Affiliate Instructor of Education (Teacher Education)
BS, MA, CAS, Towson State University
Rebekah Ann Eklund, Associate Professor of Theology
BA, MDiv, North Park University; ThD, Duke Divinity School
Wayne L. Elban, Professor of Engineering
BChE, PhD, University of Delaware; MS, University of Maryland
Lynne C. Elkes, Visiting Instructor of Economics
AB, Vassar; MBA, University of Baltimore
Juniper Lee Ellis, Professor of English
BA, Whitman College; Diploma of Arts, Waikato University; PhD, Vanderbilt University
Nan S. Ellis, Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, JD, Ohio State University
Scott Emge, Executive in Residence of Finance
BS, Towson University; MBA, University of Maryland (College Park)
Andrea Erdas, Professor of Physics; Chair, Physics Department
BA, University of Cagliari (Italy); MS, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Ramón E. Espejo-Saavedra, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, Occidental College; MA, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
W. Randall Everett, Affiliate Instructor of Management and International Business
BS, New York Regency College; MA, Naval Post Graduate School
Lisa M. Fairchild, Professor of Finance
BBA, East Tennessee State University; PhD, University of South Carolina
Joseph M. Farrell, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
BS, Loyola University Maryland; MA, American University; PhD, Temple University
Raenita A. Fenner, Associate Professor of Engineering
BS, Morgan State University; MS, PhD, Michigan State University
William Finegan, Affiliate Instructor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BBA, Loyola College in Maryland; MBA, University of Baltimore; Master's Certificate, Villanova University
Louise Finn, Affiliate Instructor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations; Chief Information Officer, Associate Vice President Technology Services
BS, MBA, John Hopkins University
Karen Fish, Associate Professor of Writing; Chair, Writing Department
BFA, Arcadia University; MA, Johns Hopkins University
Kathleen Forni, Professor of English
BA, University of California (Berkeley); MA, University of California (Los Angeles); PhD, University of Southern California
Tepanta R. D. Fossett, Assistant Professor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, MA, Hofstra University; PhD, University of Pittsburgh; CCC-SLP
Bradley K. Fountain, Affiliate Instructor of Marketing
BA, University of Baltimore; MBA, Loyola University Maryland
Stephen E. Fowl, Professor of Theology; Dean, Loyola College
BA, MA, Wheaton College; PhD, University of Sheffield
Herve Franceschi, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris, France); MS Stanford University; MS University of Maryland (Baltimore County)
Michael G. Franz, Professor of Political Science
BS, Illinois State University; MA, PhD, Loyola University (Chicago)
Lloyd Frias, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, MA, Marquette University
William Friebele, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts (Studio Arts)
BA, St. Mary's College of Maryland; MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art
Andrew Futterman, Professor of Psychology
BA, Wesleyan University; PhD, Washington University, St. Louis
Sally Gallena, Associate Professor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, Towson University; MS, Loyola College in Maryland; CCC-SLP
Joseph Ganem, Professor of Physics
BS, University of Rochester; MS, University of Wisconsin (Madison); PhD, Washington University (St. Louis)
Laura L. Garofalo, Lecturer of Classics
BA, Northwestern University; PhD, The Johns Hopkins University
Michelle I. Gawerc, Associate Professor of Sociology
BA, University of Colorado (Boulder); MA, University of Notre Dame; PhD, Boston College
Theresa M. Geiman, Associate Professor of Biology
BA, McDaniel College; PhD, The George Washington University
Marco Gentile, Affiliate Instructor of Marketing
BBA, MBA, Loyola College in Maryland
David J. Gerrity, Affiliate Instructor of Marketing
BA, MBA, Loyola College in Maryland
Kathleen A. Getz, Professor of Management and International Business; Dean, Sellinger School of Business and Management
BS, Pennsylvania State University; MBA, Gannon University; PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Andrea Giampetro-Meyer, Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BSBA, Bowling Green State University; JD, College of William and Mary
Melissa A. Girard, Assistant Professor of English
BA, Duquesne University; MA, PhD, University of Illinois
Jennifer Glick, Affiliate Instructor of Communication
BA, University of Wisconsin (Madison); MA, University of Maryland (College Park)
Keenya J. Golden, Affiliate Instructor of Education (Teacher Education)
BS, Morgan State University; MA, Goucher College
Frank D. Golom, Assistant Professor of Psychology; Chair, Psychology Department
BA, Loyola University Maryland; MA, PhD, Teachers College, Columbia University
Margarita Gomez, Associate Professor of Education
BA, Boston College; MS, State University of New York at Binghamton; PhD, Boston College
Ana Gómez-Pérez, Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish); Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Licenciatura, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain); MA, University of Wisconsin (Madison); PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Lisa Green-Cudek, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Fine Arts (Dance)
BS, Skidmore College; MLA, Temple University.
Sharon Green-Hennessy, Professor of Psychology
BA, Clark University; MA, PhD, University of Rochester
Scott Gromacki, Affiliate Instructor of Finance
BBA, Walsh College; MBA, DePaul University
Rachel L. Grover, Professor of Psychology
BS, Cornell University; PhD, University of Maine
Nina Guise-Gerrity, Affiliate Visiting Assistant Professor
BA, Loyola University Maryland; MA, St. John's College (Annapolis)
Veronica Gunnerson, Affiliate Instructor of Communication; Internship Coordinator (Communication)
BA, California State University, Long Beach; MA, University of Southern California
Fuat Gürsözlü, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
BA, Bogaziçi University, (Turkey); MA, PhD, State University of New York (Binghamton)
Selin Gursozlu, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
MA, PhD, State University of New York (Binghamton)
Sondra Guttman, Affiliate Assistant Professor of English
BA, Johns Hopkins University; MA, Boston University; PhD, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Erhan Guven, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
MS, PhD, George Washington University
Catriona Hanley, Associate Professor of Philosophy
BA, McGill University; MA, Université de Montréal; PhD, Loyola University of Chicago
Edward C. Harding III, Affiliate Instructor of Finance
BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; MSF, Loyola College in Maryland
Douglas B. Harris, Professor of Political Science
BA, American University; PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Kimberly Hart, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Marketing
BA, Hood College; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland
Inas Hassan, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (Arabic)
BA, MA, PhD, University of Alexandria
Courtney J. Hastings, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
BS, College of William and Mary; PhD, University of California (Berkley)
Matthew Hearn, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BA, MS, Loyola University Maryland
Scott Heil, Military Science Instructor; Training Non-Commissioned Officer; Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army
Robert J. Helfenbein, Professor of Education; Associate Dean, School of Education
BA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; MA, Appalachian State University; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Joshua D. Hendrick, Associate Professor of Sociology
BA, University of Georgia; MA, Northern Arizona University; MA, PhD, University of California (Santa Cruz)
Yolopattli Hernández-Torres, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico); MA, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Alfredo J. Herrara, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Biology
BS, MD, Cayetano Heredia University (Peru); FAAP; CAAP
Michael Herring, Affiliate Instructor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, Mississippi State University; MBA, Loyola University Maryland
Afra Ahmed Hersi, Associate Professor of Education; Director, Graduate Program in Literacy; Chair, Teacher Education Department
BS, Radford University; MEd, PhD, Boston College
Inge Heyer, Senior Lecturer of Physics
BA, Smith College; MS, University of Hawaii (Manoa); PhD, University of Wyoming
Justin Hicks, Senior Military Instructor; Master Sergeant, U.S. Army
Brianne Higgins Roos, Affiliate Faculty of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, MS, Loyola College in Maryland; CCC-SLP
Christopher I. Higginson, Associate Professor of Psychology
BS, MS, PhD, Washington State University
David H. K. Hoe, Associate Professor of Engineering
BAS, MAS, PhD, University of Toronto
Helen Hofling, Lecturer of Writing
BA, Vassar College; MFA, The Writer's Foundry at St. Joseph's College
Janine P. Holc, Associate Professor of Political Science
BA, Illinois State University; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Gregory Hoplamazian, Associate Professor of Communication
BA, Pennsylvania State University; PhD, Ohio State University
Nune Hovhannisyan, Assistant Professor of Economics
BA, Yerevan State University; MA, Bowling Green State University; MA, PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder
Coraetta Howell, Assistant Professor of Military Science; Military Science Instructor; Captain, U.S. Army
BS, Kansas State University; MA, Florida Institute of Technology
Mark Hubbard, Affiliate Instructor of Management and International Business
BS, University of Maryland University College; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; JD, University of Maryland
Kevin W. Hula, Associate Professor of Political Science
BA, University of Kansas; AM, PhD, Harvard University
Sibren Isaacman, Associate Professor of Computer Science
AB, Cornell University; MEng, MA, PhD, Princeton University
Michiko Iwasaki, Associate Professor of Psychology
BA, Maryville University; MA, Southern Illinois University (Edwardsville); PhD, Ball State University
Frank B. Izzo, Lecturer, Accounting
BS, MPA, Loyola College in Maryland; CPA
Cara H. Jacobson, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology; Director of Doctoral Field Education; Therapy Service Coordinator, Loyola Clinical Centers
BA, McDaniel College; MS, PsyD, Loyola University Maryland
Margarita Jácome, Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá); MA, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá); PhD, University of Iowa
Theresa Jefferson, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, MS, DSc, The George Washington University
Randall S. Jones, Associate Professor of Physics
BS, Brown University; MS, PhD, Cornell University
Patricia Tinen Kanashiro, Assistant Professor of Management and International Business
BA, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil); MA, University of Pittsburgh; MA, PhD, The George Washington University
John Karabias, Affiliate Instructor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, Western Washington University; MBA, Loyola University Maryland
Armina A. Kazi, Associate Professor of Biology
BA, Goucher College; PhD, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Sean P. Keehan, Executive in Residence of Economics
BA, St. Mary's College of Maryland; MA, American University
Suzanne E. Keilson, Associate Professor of Engineering
BA, Yale University; MS, MPhil, PhD, Columbia University
Derek M. Kendig, Assistant Professor of Biology
BS, University of the Sciences; PhD, Drexel University College of Medicine
Elizabeth J. Kennedy, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA Smith College; JD, University of California (Berkeley)
Robert Kenyon, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BA, State University of New York (Postdam); MED, Florida Atlantic University; EdD, Nova Southeastern University (Florida)
Marie Kerins, Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology-Hearing Sciences
BS, Marquette University; MS, Loyola College in Maryland; EdD, Johns Hopkins University; CCC-SLP
John R. Kiess, Associate Professor of Theology; Director, Peace and Justice Studies Program
BA, University of Virginia; MA, Queen's University (Northern Ireland); MPhil, Cambridge University; PhD, Duke University
Elliot King, Professor of Communication
BA, California State University; MS, Columbia University; PhD, University of California (San Diego)
Matthew W. Kirkhart, Associate Professor of Psychology
BA, MA, West Virginia University; PhD, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Richard Klink, Professor of Marketing
BS, Duquesne University; MBA, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Michael P. Knapp, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BA, Northwestern University; PhD, University of Michigan
Julie Knight, Affiliate Instructor of Sociology
BS, Pennsylvania State University; MS, PhD, Cardiff University (UK)
Perrie Kohel, Affiliate Instructor of Education (Teacher Education)
BA, MEd, Goucher College
Glenn S. Kohne, Associate Professor of Engineering
BSEE, University of Maryland; MES, Loyola College in Maryland
Amanda Konradi, Associate Professor of Sociology; Director, Minor in Gender Studies
BA, Swarthmore College; MA, PhD, University of California (Santa Cruz)
Beth A. Kotchick, Associate Professor of Psychology; Associate Chair, Psychology Department
BA, MA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, University of Georgia
John P. Krahel, Associate Professor of Accounting
BA, MAcc, Rider University; PhD, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (Newark); CPA
Libby Kumin, Professor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, Long Island University; MA, PhD, New York University; CCC-SLP
Reagan A. Lake, Lecturer of Biology
BA, University of Arizona; MS, University of Maryland
Steven Lane, Lecturer of Biology
BA, Spring Arbor University; MS, Central Michigan University; PhD, University of Montana
Jeffrey M. Lating, Professor of Psychology
BA, Swarthmore College; MS, PhD, University of Georgia
Dawn J. Lawrie, Professor of Computer Science; Chair, Computer Science Department
AB, Dartmouth College; MS, PhD, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
Andrea M. Leary, Lecturer of Writing
BA, College of the Holy Cross; MA, PhD, University of Delaware
Drew L. Leder, Professor of Philosophy
BA, MD, Yale University; PhD, State University of New York (Stony Brook)
Bu Hyoung Lee, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (Statistics)
BS, Seoul National University; MA, Seoul National University, MS; Temple University; PhD, Temple University
Karyl B. Leggio, Professor of Finance
BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; MBA, East Tennessee State University; PhD, University of Kansas
Maiju Lehmijoki-Gardner, Lecturer of Theology; Health Professions Advisor; Director of National Fellowships
MA, PhD, University of Turku (Finland); BS, Helsinki Metrapolia University of Applied Science (Finland)
Salvatore Lenzo, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations; Director of Information Systems, Sellinger School of Business and Management
BS, MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; PMP, Project Management Institute
Tasha Lewis, Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
MA, California State University (Long Beach); PhD, University of California (Davis)
Michael Liebman, Affiliate Instructor of Management and International Business
BS, University of Baltimore; MS, Johns Hopkins University
Jonathan J. Lillie, Associate Professor of Communication
BA, Warren Wilson College; MA, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Brian F. Linnane, S.J., Professor of Theology; President
AB, Boston College; MA, Georgetown University; MDiv, STL, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley; MA, MPhil, PhD, Yale University
Xuefeng Liu, Assistant Professor of Marketing
MS, PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Giuseppina Iacono Lobo, Assistant Professor of English
BA, University of Connecticut; MA, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Jake London, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, University of Georgia; MBA, Augusta University; PhD, Clemson University
Christopher Lonegan, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Fine Arts (Studio Arts)
BFA, University of the Arts; MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art; PhD, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts
Katie J. Loomis, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology; Director of Master's Education; Director of Undergraduate and Master's Field Education (Psychology)
BA, Lehigh University; MS, PsyD, Loyola University Maryland
Patrick LoPresto, Affiliate Instructor of Psychology; Director, Undergraduate Professional Development; Clinical Professional Counseling (CPC) Advisor (Psychology)
BA, MA, Loyola College in Maryland; LCPC
Mary L. Lowe, Professor of Physics
AB, Harvard University; PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Jen L. Lowry, Associate Professor of Psychology
BS, University of Evansville; MS, PhD, Saint Louis University
Paul Lukacs, Associate Professor of English; Chair, English Department
BA, Kenyon College; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Dave Luvison, Executive in Residence of Management and International Business
BA, John Carroll University; MBA, Miami (Ohio) University, DBA, Nova Southeastern University
Moira K. Lynch, Associate Professor of Political Science
BA, Miami University; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota
Heather Z. Lyons, Professor of Psychology
BS, Northeastern University; PhD, University of Maryland (College Park)
Sara Magee, Associate Professor of Communication; Chair, Communication Department
BA, PhD, Ohio University; MA, Virginia Commonwealth University
Jon Malis, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts (Photography)
BA, The George Washington University; MFA, American University
Daniel R. Mangiavellano, Assistant Professor of English
BA, Michigan State University; MA, American University; PhD, Louisiana State University
Heidi Martino, Affiliate Instructor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, Towson University; MS, Loyola University Maryland
Claire Mathews McGinnis, Professor of Theology; Chair, Theology Department
BA, Swarthmore College; MDiv, Yale Divinity School; PhD, Yale University Graduate School
Dede Matrangola, Clinical Faculty of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, MS, Loyola College in Maryland; CCC-SLP
Graham James McAleer, Professor of Philosophy
BA, University College London; MA, University of Alberta (Canada); PhD, Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium)
Thomas D. McCreight, Associate Professor of Classics
BA, Brown University; MA, City University of New York; PhD, Duke University
Kia McDaniel, Affiliate Instructor of Education (Teacher Education)
BA, University of Maryland; MA, George Washington University; EdD, Bowie State University
Nicola McDougal, Senior Lecturer of Chemistry
BSc, University of Reading; PhD, University of Cambridge
Shelley Bliss McGarry, Affiliate Instructor of Information Systems and Operations
BS, Towson University; MS, Johns Hopkins University; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland
Gayla McGlamery, Associate Professor of English; Co-Director of the Honors Program
BA, Baylor University; PhD, Emory University
Lisa McGrain, Affiliate Instructor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, Towson University; MS, Loyola College in Maryland
Robert E. McKee, Affiliate Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BA, Gettysburg College; ME, Towson University
Craig R. Medvecky, Lecturer of Writing; Associate Director, Loyola Writing Center
BA, Princeton University; MFA, Emerson College; PhD, University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
Fabio Mendez, Professor of Economics; Hanway Chair in Global Studies
BA, Universidad de Costa Rica; MA, PhD, Michigan State University
Raelene Meneses, Affiliate Instructor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, MS, Loyola College in Maryland
Anthony J. Mento, Professor of Management and International Business
BA, PhD, University of Maryland; MA, Towson University
Jesse R. Merriam, Assistant Professor of Political Science
BA, Wesleyan University; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University; JD, George Washington University Law School
Dominic Micer, Lecturer of Writing
BA, Virginia Commonwealth University; MA University of Vermont; PhD, Miami University of Ohio
John Michel, Associate Professor of Management and International Business
BS, Towson University, MS, University of Baltimore, PhD, University at Albany, SUNY
Maja Milicevic, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (French)
BA, University of Belgrade, Serbia; MA, University of New Orleans
Nicholas A. Miller, Associate Professor of English; Program Advisor, Minor in Film Studies
BA, Harvard University; MA, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Kyle Ann Mino, Affiliate Assistant Professor
BS, Elon University; PhD, University of Florida
Robert S. Miola, Professor of Classics; Gerard Manley Hopkins Professor of English
BA, Fordham University; MA, PhD, University of Rochester
Timothy Mitroka, Assistant Professor of Military Science; Training/Operations Officer; Major, U.S. Army
BS, United States Military Academy; MS, Missouri University of Science and Technology; ME, University of Virginia
Judith Montgomery, Affiliate Instructor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, University of Maryland (College Park); MBA, University of Dallas, Irvine
Cindy Moore, Professor of Writing; Associate Vice President for Academic Student Affairs
BJ, MA, University of Nebraska (Lincoln); PhD, University of Louisville
Jesse D. More, Associate Professor of Chemistry; Chair, Chemistry Department
BS, John Carroll University; MS, PhD, University of California (San Diego)
Leslie Zarker Morgan, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Italian and French); Associate Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures; Program Advisor, Minors in Italian Studies and Medieval Studies
AB, Mount Holyoke College; MA, Middlebury College; MA, MPhil, PhD, Yale University
Christopher H. Morrell, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (Statistics), Director of Data Science
BSc, University of Cape Town; MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Matthew A. Moser, Lecturer of Theology
BA, Eastern University; MA, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg; PhD, Baylor University
Joseph Mucci, Scholarship and Enrollment Officer; Department of Army Civilian; Major, Maryland Army National Guard
BS, Saint Joseph's University
Matthew B. Mulcahy, Professor of History
BA, Macalester College; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota
Melissa Mulieri, Clinical Instructor of Education, Professional Development Schools Coordinator (Elementary and Secondary)
BA, McDaniel College; MA, Notre Dame University Maryland
Michele M. Murphy, Affiliate Instructor of Education (Teacher Education)
BA, Hood College; MEd, Goucher College
Brian Murray, Professor of Writing
BA, Dominican College; MA, PhD, University of Tulsa
John Ned, Instructor of Finance
BS, McNeese State University; MBA, University of Houston-Victoria; PhD, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
April Newton, Affiliate Instructor of Communication
BA, Northern Michigan University; MS, Syracuse University
Nguyen, Nguyen, Affiliate Instructor of Communication
BA, Bard College; MM, University of Maryland (College Park)
Theresa P.T. Nguyen, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
BS, Loyola Marymount University; MS, PhD, University of California (Los Angeles)
Barnaby Nygren, Associate Professor of Fine Arts (Art History)
PhD, Harvard University
Lisa A. Oberbroeckling, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, University of Iowa; MS, PhD, University of Oregon
Oghenetoja Okoh, Assistant Professor of History
BA, University of Minnesota; MA, University of Wisconsin; PhD, New York University
Ammilee Oliva, Professor of Military Science; Chair, Military Science Department; Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
BS, Northeastern University; MA, Webster University
Megan M. Olsen, Associate Professor of Computer Science
BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; MS, PhD, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
Peggy O'Neill, Professor of Writing; Associate Dean for the Humanities and the Core
BA, University of Maryland (Baltimore County); MA, University of Maryland (College Park); PhD, University of Louisville
Paul Oorts, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (French and Italian)
BA, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium; MA, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
David T. Opitz, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BS, University of Notre Dame; MS, University of Texas (Austin)
Mark Osteen, Professor of English; Director, Center for the Humanities
BA, MA, University of Montana; PhD, Emory University
Stephen Park, Assistant Professor of English
BA, Cornell University; MA, University of Chicago; PhD, University of Southern California
Paola Pascual-Ferrá, Associate Professor of Communication
BA, Princeton University; MA, American University; PhD, University of Miami
Dilip Patel, Affiliate Instructor of Management and International Business
BS, ME, Pennsylvania State University; MBA, Loyola University Maryland
Adam Peake, Executive in Residence of Marketing
BS, University of Maryland; MBA, Wake Forest University
Ronald Pearl, Professor of Fine Arts (Music)
BM, San Francisco Conservatory of Music; MM, Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University
Thomas R. Pegram, Professor of History
BA, Santa Clara University; PhD, Brandeis University
Gloria Phillips-Wren, Professor of Information Systems and Operations; Chair, Department of Information Systems, Law, and Operations Department
BA, Western Maryland College; MEd, Towson University; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, PhD, University of Maryland (Baltimore County)
Giselle Pile, Lecturer (Mathematics)
BA Western, New England College; MS, Loyola University Chicago
Daniel Pinha, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts (Theatre)
Bachelor of Scenic Arts, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); MFA, University of Maryland
Donna Pitts, Assistant Professor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, MS, Towson University; AuD, Central Michigan University; CCC-A
R. Trent Pomplun, Associate Professor of Theology; Director of Graduate Studies, Master of Theological Studies
BA, Rice University; MA, PhD, University of Virginia
Robert B. Pond, Jr., Senior Lecturer of Engineering; Chair, Engineering Department
BES, Johns Hopkins University; MS, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Jonathan Porter, Affiliate Instructor of Marketing
BFA, Belmont University; MBA, Loyola University Maryland
Janet Preis, Associate Professor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences; Director, Graduate Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, MS, Towson University; CAGS, Loyola College in Maryland; EdD, Johns Hopkins University; CCC-SLP
Jason M. Prenoveau, Associate Professor of Psychology
BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; MA, PhD, University of California (Los Angeles)
Clayborn Price, Director of Choral Studies
BM/BMe, Belmont University; MM, University of North Carolina (Greensboro); DMA, University of South Carolina
Emalee J. W. Quickel, Assistant Professor of Psychology
BA, MA, University of North Carolina, Wilmington; PhD, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Srikanth Ramamurthy, Associate Professor of Economics
BS, St. Xavier's College; MA, University of Memphis; PhD, Washington University (St. Louis)
Mohammad S. Raunak, Associate Professor of Computer Science
BS, North South University; MS, PhD, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
Matthew Rausch, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BS, Univeristy of Maryland Baltimore County; MBA, University of Baltimore
Walter J. Reinhart, Professor of Finance
BS, MBA, Oklahoma State University; PhD, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Joan Ricart-Huguet, Assistant Professor of Political Science
BA, Autonomous University of Barcelona; MA, Columbia University
Giuliana Risso Robberto, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (Italian)
BA, University of Asti (Italy); MA, License, University of Torino (Italy)
Juan Rivera-Mata, Visiting Affiliate Instructor of Management and International Business
BA, ICADE-UNED Madrid (Spain); MBA, Alliant International University; PhD, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville (Spain)
David B. Rivers, Professor of Biology; Director of Forensic Studies
BS, Ball State University; PhD, Ohio State University
Stephen R. Robinson, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, Towson University; JD, University of Baltimore School of Law
Bernadette M. Roche, Associate Professor of Biology; Program Advisor, Minor in Environmental & Sustainability Studies
BA, University of Virginia; PhD, University of North Carolina
Elana E. Rock, Associate Professor of Education
BA, University of Pennsylvania; MA, New York University; EdD, Johns Hopkins University
Tania Rosas-Moreno, Associate Professor of Communication; Program Advisor, Minor in Latin American and Latino Studies
BA, MA, Brigham Young University; PhD, The University of Texas at Austin
Andrew I. Ross, Assistant Professor of History
BA Washington University in St. Louis; MA, PhD, University of Michigan
Laurence Ross, Lecturer of Writing
BA, Loyola University Maryland; MFA, University of Alabama
Joseph S. Rossi, S.J., Professor of Theology
BA, University of Pittsburgh; STM, MDiv, Jesuit School of Theology; MA, PhD, The Catholic University of America
Maria Ruiz Rosique, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, MA, University of Murcia (Spain); MA, West Virginia University
Bahram Roughani, Professor of Physics; Associate Dean for the Natural and Applied Sciences, Loyola College
BS, MA, Indiana State University; MS, PhD, University of Cincinnati
Camika Royal, Assistant Professor of Education; Urban Education Minors Advisor (Teacher Education)
BA, North Carolina Central University; MAT, Johns Hopkins University; PhD, Temple University
Samantha Rukert, Lecturer of Psychology
BA, Smith College; MS, PsyD, Antioch University New England
Michael B. Runnels, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, University of Georgia; JD, Fordham University School of Law
Jerome (Jay) Russell, Affiliate Instructor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, University of Maryland (Baltimore County); MBA, Loyola College in Maryland
Terre Ryan, Associate Professor of Writing
BA, Fairfield University; MBA, Baruch College; MA, City College of New York; MA, University of Montana; PhD, University of Nevada (Reno)
Leah K. Saal, Assistant Professor of Education; Co-Director, Literacy Graduate Program
BA, MS, MA, EdS, PhD, Louisiana State University
James F. Salmon, S.J., Affiliate Associate Professor of Chemistry
BS, ME, Stevens Institute of Technology; MA, Boston College; PhD, University of Pennsylvania; STB, Woodstock College
Andrew Samuel, Associate Professor of Economics; Chair, Economics Department
BA, Calvin College; MA, PhD, Boston College
Carlos Sanchez, Affiliate Instructor of Management and International Business
BS Celaya Institute of Technology, Mexico; MS, Drexel University; MBA, Loyola University Maryland
Willeke Sandler, Assistant Professor of History
BA, New York University; MA, Northeastern University; MA, PhD, Duke University
Jane Satterfield, Associate Professor of Writing
BA, Loyola College in Maryland; MFA, University of Iowa
Catherine Savell, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (French)
Baccalauréat Lettres-Philosophie (Lyon); MA, Middlebury College
Terrence M. Sawyer, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations; Senior Vice President
BA, University of Maryland (College Park); JD, Widener University School of Law
Ursula C. Sayers-Ward, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, Universidad Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Perú); MA, The Catholic University of America
Sara Scalenghe, Associate Professor of History; Chair, History Department
BA, University of London; MA, PhD, Georgetown University
Diana J. Schaub, Professor of Political Science
AB, Kenyon College; MA, PhD, University of Chicago
Lisa Z. Scheifele, Associate Professor of Biology, Director of Advising and Curriculum in Biology
BS, Messiah College; PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Thomas E. Scheye, Loyola Distinguished Service Professor (English); Senior Advisor to the President for Planning and Strategy
AB, Georgetown University; MA, Yale University; PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Schlapbach, Professor of Fine Arts (Photography); Chair, Fine Arts Department
BS, Washington University (St. Louis); MFA, Indiana University
Heather Schmidt, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Chemistry
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, University of Delaware
Astrid Schmidt-King, Executive in Residence of Management and International Business
BA, New York University; JD, University of Baltimore; LLM, American University; MA, Freie Univeristat
Mary Kate Schneider, Lecturer of Political Science, Director of Global Studies
BA, Kutztown University; MA, Lehigh University; PhD, University of Maryland
Michael F. Schneider, Affiliate Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics (Statistics)
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Andrew J. Schoeffield, Associate Professor of Biology
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, University of Maryland
Lisa Schoenbrodt, Professor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences; Chair, Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, University of Maryland; MS, James Madison University; EdD, Johns Hopkins University; CCC-SLP
Carlyle A. Schrouter, Affiliate Instructor of Finance
BS, University of Maryland; MBA, Loyola University Maryland
Jeremy Schwartz, Associate Professor of Economics
BS, Boston College; MA, PhD, The George Washington University
Kathleen A. Sears, Affiliate Instructor of Education
BS, College of Notre Dame of Maryland; MLA, Johns Hopkins University
Ali M. Sedaghat, Associate Professor of Accounting
BA, Abadan Institute of Technology; MBA, DBA, The George Washington University; CMA
Norman H. Sedgley, Professor of Economics
BA, MA, PhD, University of New Hampshire
Dustin Sentz, Lecturer of Psychology
BA, Elizabethtown College; MA, PsyD, Loyola College in Maryland
Ryan Servant, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BA, Shippensburg University; MS, Bloomsburg University
William Sheppard, Affiliate Instructor of Sociology
BS, Anthropology and History, Illinois State University; MA, Anthropology, The College of William and Mary
Yoon S. Shin, Associate Professor of Finance
BBA, Kookmin University; MS, Texas A&M University; PhD, University of South Carolina
Nicole Shoenberger, Assistant Professor of Sociology
BA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; MA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; PhD, Bowling Green State University
Patricio Simari, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BS Universidad National del Sur, Argentina; MS, PhD, University of Toronto
Jason Singh, Visiting Assistant Professor (Sociology)
BSc, Utah Valley University; MPhil, Oxford University (UK); PhD, Durham University (UK)
Kathleen Siren, Associate Professor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences; Director, Undergraduate Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, MA, PhD, University of Kansas; CCC-SLP
Mary Skeen, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Fine Arts (Photography)
BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art; MFA, Towson University
H. Lovell Smith, Assistant Professor of Sociology
BS, Southern Methodist University; MEd, University of Massachusetts (Amherst); PhD, University of Maryland (College Park)
Joshua S. Smith, Professor of Education; Dean, School of Education
BA, MS, PhD, University at Albany, State University of New York
Kirby Smith, Affiliate Instructor of Finance
BS, BA, Georgetown University; MBA, George Washington University; JD, University of Baltimore School of Law
Wendy M. Smith, Professor of Education
BA, State University of New York at Genesco; MEd, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; PhD, University of Wyoming
Dale E. Snow, Associate Professor of Philosophy; Chair, Philosophy Department
BA, Clark University; MA, PhD, Emory University
James Snow, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy; Co-Director, Messina
BA, MA, Ohio University; PhD, Temple University
Jalal Soroosh, Professor of Accounting; Chair, Accounting Department
BS, Iranian Institute of Advanced Accounting; MBA, The George Washington University; PhD, University of Mississippi; CMA
Lucas Southworth, Associate Professor of Writing
BA, Knox College; MA, Iowa State University; MFA, University of Alabama
Lauren A. Spearman, Lecturer of Biology
BA, Arcadia University; PhD, Rutgers University (New Brunswick)
Ravi Srinivasan, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BE, Osmania University (India); MS, Kansas State University; PhD, Michigan State University
Gregory J. Stefanelli, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BS, State University of New York (Stony Brook); MS, Loyola University Maryland; EdD (candidate), University of Phoenix
Arthur M. Sutherland, Associate Professor of Theology; Dean, Class of 2020
BA, Harding University; MDiv, STM, Yale University Divinity School; PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary
Paul Tallon, Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BComm, MMgtSc, University College Dublin; FCA, PhD, University of California (Irvine)
Kerria M. Tan, Associate Professor of Economics
BA, University of California (San Diego); MA, PhD, Ohio State University
Clarke Tankersley, Affiliate Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics (Statistics)
BA, University of Maryland; MS, Johns Hopkins University; PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Ron Tanner, Professor of Writing
BA, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill); MFA, University of Iowa; PhD, University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
Jiyuan Tao, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, MS, Beijing Institute of Technology; MS, PhD, University of Maryland (Baltimore County)
Martha C. Taylor, Professor of Classics, Fine Arts (Art History), and History; Chair, Classics Department
AB, Bryn Mawr College; MA, PhD, Stanford University
Amanda Thomas, Professor of Psychology; Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
BA, College of William and Mary; MS, PhD, University of Georgia
Andrea S. Thomas, Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (French)
BA, New York University; MA, MPhil, PhD, Columbia University
Christopher Thompson, Associate Professor of Biology
BS, Eastern Washington University; PhD, University of Iowa
Rebecca Trump, Associate Professor of Marketing
BS, Georgia State University; PhD, University of Arizona
Jill-Kristi Tyler, Affiliate Instructor of Sociology
BS, Towson University; MSW, University of Maryland (Baltimore); LCSW-C
Sarah Tyler, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, MA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Carsten T. Vala, Associate Professor of Political Science; Chair, Political Science
BA, Williams College; MA, MS, PhD, University of California (Berkeley)
Barbara H. Vann, Associate Professor of Sociology; Chair, Sociology Department
BA, University of Alabama (Birmingham); MA, East Tennessee State University; PhD, University of Arizona
Maren E. Veatch-Blohm, Associate Professor of Biology
BS, Brigham Young University; MS, PhD, University of Arizona
Kara Vincent, Clinical Faculty of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, MA, Loyola College in Maryland; CCC-SLP
Sarah Vitale, Lecturer of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish); Coordinator of Spanish
BA, Southeastern Louisiana University; MA, Louisiana State University
William J. Von Hagel, Affiliate Instructor of Computer Science
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; DM, University of Phoenix
Kimberly Wagner, Executive in Residence of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, Towson State University; MBA, Loyola College, Maryland; JD, University of Baltimore, Maryland
Bobby Waldrup, Professor of Accounting; Associate Dean, Sellinger School of Business and Management
BS, MPA, Mississippi State University; PhD, University of Mississippi; CPA
Joseph J. Walsh, Professor of Classics and History; Co-Director of the Honors Program
AB, Fairfield University; MA, State University of New York (Buffalo); PhD, University of Texas (Austin)
Jinghua Wangling, Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Chinese)
BA, Fudan University (Shanghai, China); PhD, Harvard University
Kathleen Ward, Clinical Assistant Professor of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, MS, Towson University; AuD, A.T. Still University; CCC-A
Thomas Ward, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish); Program Director, Minor in Latin American and Latino Studies
BA, Southern Connecticut State University; MA, PhD, University of Connecticut
Steven Weber, Affiliate Instructor of Philosophy
BA, St. John's College
Carroll J. Weise, Jr., Affiliate Instructor of Management and International Business
BA, MBA, Loyola College in Maryland
John E. Wheeler, Affiliate Instructor of Accounting
BA, MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; CPA
Todd M. Wickwire, Affiliate Instructor of Finance
BA, Franklin & Marshall College; MBA, University of Pennsylvania
Lemar Williams, Logistics Technician; Department of Army Civilian
Stacy A. Williams, Clinical Instructor of Teacher Education; Coordinator of Clinical Experiences; Professional Development Schools (Elementary/Secondary); Secondary Minor Advisor (Teacher Education)
BS, James Madison University; MAT, Johns Hopkins University
Erin Wilson, Visiting Affiliate Assistant Professor of English
BA, MA, University of Tulsa; PhD, University of Missouri at Columbia
Karsonya Wise Whitehead, Associate Professor of Communication
BA, Lincoln University; MA, University of Notre Dame (Indiana); PhD, University of Maryland (Baltimore County)
Jeffrey C. Witt, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
BA, Wheaton College; MA, PhD, Boston College
Amy R. Wolfson, Professor of Psychology
BA, Harvard University; MA, PhD, Washington University, St. Louis
James R. Wolgamott, Clinical Instructor of Education; Professional Development Schools Coordinator (Elementary)
BS, Bowling Green State University: MS, Johns Hopkins University
Helen Xu, Assistant Professor of Accounting
BBA, Harbin University of Science and Technology; MAcc, University of Alabama; PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology
Marie A. Yeh, Associate Professor of Marketing
BS, University of Maryland; MSEd, Old Dominion University; PhD, Kent State University
Dobin Yim, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, MS, Brown University; MBA, MA, University of California, Irvine; PHD, University of Maryland (College Park)
Douglas J. Young, Affiliate Instructor of Finance
BBA, Loyola University Maryland; MBA, University of Southern California (Berkeley)
Kyle Zdrojewski, Assistant Professor of Military Science; Operations Officer; Captain, U.S. Army
BS, Niagara University; MS, Canisius College
Qiyu (Jason) Zhang, Associate Professor of Marketing; Chair, Department of Marketing
BS, FuDan University; MS, PhD, University of Georgia
Yu Zhang, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Chinese)
BA, MA, Shaanxi Normal University (China); PhD, University of Oregon
Guangzhi (Terry) Zhao, Associate Professor of Marketing
BA, Hebei Institute of Finance and Economics (China); MA, Sun Yat-sen University (China); PhD, University of California (Irvine)
Hong Zhu, Associate Professor of Accounting
BS, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; PhD, University of Missouri (Columbia)
Lisa Zimmerelli, Associate Professor of Writing; Director, Loyola Writing Center
BA, Albright College; MA, PhD, University of Maryland
Jennifer Zwillenberg, Lecturer of Education
BA, Brandeis University; MAT, Johns Hopkins University; MEd, Loyola University; EdD, University of Pennsylvania