2019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Directory, Emeriti/ae Faculty

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Arleigh T. Bell, Jr., Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, United States Military Academy; MA, PhD, New School for Social Research

Paul Richard Blum, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
State's Examination, University of Freiburg (Germany); PhD, University of Munich (Germany); Habilitation, Free University of Berlin (Germany)

John R. Breihan, Professor Emeritus of History
AB, Princeton University; PhD, University of Cambridge (England)

Katherine Stern Brennan, Associate Professor Emerita of History
BA, Mount Holyoke College; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

James J. Buckley, Professor Emeritus of Theology
BA, Cardinal Glennon College; MA, MPh, PhD, Yale University

Michael Burton, Professor Emeritus of Sociology
BS, Sociology, University of Houston; MA, PhD, University of Texas (Austin)

Henry C. Butcher IV, Professor Emeritus of Biology
BS, Tufts University; MS, PhD, Ohio State University

Charles W. Cheape, Professor Emeritus of History
BA, University of Virginia; MA, PhD, Brandeis University

Andrew Ciofalo, Professor Emeritus of Communication
AB, Brooklyn College; MS, Columbia University

Malcolm G. Clark, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Lic. Phil., Heythrop College; STL, University of Innsbruck; PhD, University of Louvain

Russell J. Cook, Professor Emeritus of Communication
BFA, MA, Miami University (Ohio); PhD, Ohio University (Athens)

Bryan L. Crockett, Associate Professor Emeritus of English
BA, Grinnell College; MA, Vanderbilt University; PhD, University of Iowa

David G. Crough, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BS, Ursinus College; MA, PhD, The Catholic University of America

Arthur L. Delcher, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
BA, MES, Loyola College in Maryland; MA, MSE, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Victor R. Delclos, Professor Emeritus of Education
BA, Boston College; MS, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

Frederick W. Derrick, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, MS, PhD, North Carolina State University

Dipa Sarkar Dey, Associate Professor Emerita of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, MSC, Dacca University; MSE, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University

James E. Dockery, Associate Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts (Theatre)
Lic. Phil., MEd, Fordham University; MA, STM, Woodstock College

Bill M. Donovan, Associate Professor Emeritus of History
BA, University of Texas (Austin); MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

David C. Dougherty, Professor Emeritus of English
AB, West Liberty State College; MA, Xavier University; PhD, Miami University (Ohio)

Paul C. Ergler, Associate Professor Emeritus of Management and International Business
BS, ME, MS, Drexel University; DBA, The George Washington University

Harold D. Fletcher, Professor Emeritus of Finance
BS, Western Kentucky University; MA, University of Kentucky; PhD, University of Illinois

Faith D. Gilroy, Professor Emerita of Psychology
BA, Mount Saint Agnes College; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, St. Louis University

Charles R. Graham, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biology
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, PhD, University of Delaware

John A. Gray, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, St. Mary's Seminary; STB, STL, Gregorian University; STD, The Catholic University of America; JD, University of Baltimore

Frank R. Haig, S.J., Professor Emeritus of Physics
BA, STB, STL, Woodstock College; PhD, The Catholic University of America

Margaret Austin Haggstrom, Associate Professor Emerita of Modern Languages and Literatures (French)
BA, MA, University of Texas (Austin); PhD, University of Minnesota

John C. Hennessey, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, Fordham University; MS, Purdue University; PhD, University of Maryland

Francis G. Hilton, Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BA, MA, Fordham University; MA, Loyola University (Chicago); MTheo, MDiv, Weston School of Theology; MEd, Harvard University; PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)

Ellen D. Hoadley, Professor Emerita of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, Florida State University; MBA, PhD, Indiana University

Steven C. Hughes, Professor Emeritus of History
BA, University of Colorado; MA, University of Connecticut; PhD, University of Michigan

John M. Jordan, Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, Brigham Young University; MS, PhD, Purdue University

Roger J. Kashlak, Professor Emeritus of Management and International Business
BS, University of Pennsylvania; MBA, PhD, Temple University

M. Antonia Keane, Associate Professor Emerita of Sociology
BS, Towson University; MS, San Jose State College

Donald A. Keefer, Professor Emeritus of Biology
BA, Western Maryland College; MS, American University; PhD, University of North Carolina

Kermit O. Keeling, Associate Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BSEE, University of Cincinnati; MBA, Southern Methodist University; LLM, JD, University of Houston; CPA

William I. Kitchin, Associate Professor Emeritus of Political Science
BA, Tulane University; MS, University of Virginia; JD, University of Baltimore; PhD, Johns Hopkins University

John C. Larson, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BA, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota

Angela M. Leonard, Associate Professor Emerita of History
AB, Harvard/Radcliffe Colleges; MLS, Vanderbilt University; MPhil, PhD, The George Washington University

Charles T. LoPresto, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BA, LaSalle University; MA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, Howard University

Peter Lorenzi, Professor Emeritus of Management and International Business
BS, MBA, Binghamton University; PhD, Pennsylvania State University

Janet Maher, Associate Professor Emerita of Fine Arts (Studio Arts)
BS, Southern Connecticut College; MA, MFA, University of New Mexico

Charles R. Margenthaler, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, Bradley University; MS, Arizona State University; MS, West Coast University; PhD, University of Illinois; PE

Ilona M. McGuiness, Associate Professor Emerita of Writing
BA, Southern Illinois University (Carbondale); MA, Iowa State University (Ames); MA, PhD, University of Iowa

Francis J. McGuire, Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Timothy J. McNeese, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
BS, North Dakota State University; AM, PhD, Harvard University

Alfred R. Michenzi, Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BS, University of Pittsburgh; MS, Case Institute of Technology; PhD, Case Western Reserve University; CPA

Melvin P. Miller, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MA, PhD, Princeton University

Margaret Musgrove, Assistant Professor Emerita of Writing
BA, University of Connecticut; MS, Central Connecticut State University; EdD, University of Massachusetts

Daniel M. Perrine, Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
BA, MDiv, Loyola University (Chicago); MA, Fordham University; PhD, University of Illinois (Chicago)

Helene F. Perry, Associate Professor Emerita of Physics
AB, Sweet Briar College; MA, Johns Hopkins University

Mark F. Peyrot, Professor Emeritus of Sociology
BA, University of California (Santa Barbara); MA, PhD, University of California (Los Angeles)

William D. Reddy, Associate Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, MS, St. Louis University; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, St. Louis University

E. Barry Rice, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; MBA, University of Maryland; CPA

David F. Roswell, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
AB, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Jai P. Ryu, Professor Emeritus of Sociology
BA, Seoul National University; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota

Roberta Evans Sabin, Professor Emerita of Computer Science
BA, The College of Notre Dame of Maryland; MA, Villanova University; MEd, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, Johns Hopkins University; PhD, University of Maryland

Tagi Sagafi-nejad, Professor Emeritus of Management and International Business
BSc, Pahlavi University; MS, PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Beatrice E. Sarlos, Professor Emerita of Education
Staatsexamen, Universitat der Stadt Berlin; MA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Irmgard Braier Scherer, Associate Professor Emerita of Philosophy
BA, George Mason University; MA, PhD, American University

A. Kimbrough Sherman, Associate Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
AB, Brown University; MBA, PhD, University of Maryland

Elizabeth Schmidt, Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Oberlin College; MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)

R. Keith Schoppa, Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Valparaiso University; MA, University of Hawaii; PhD, University of Michigan

Charles E. Scott, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, University of North Carolina; MBA, University of Montana; MA, PhD, Vanderbilt University

Phoebe C. Sharkey, Professor Emerita of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
AB, Duke University; MS, Georgetown University; PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Martin F. Sherman, Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BA, University of Connecticut; PhD, University of Maine

Laurette P. Simmons, Associate Professor Emerita of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, Ithaca College; MBA, PhD, University of North Texas

Leroy F. Simmons, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, Washburn University; MS, University of Missouri; PhD, University of Tennessee

Steven A. Sobelman, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BA, Norwich University; PhD, American University

Timothy J. Stapleton, Associate Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
BS, MacMurray College; MA, PhD, Pennsylvania State University

Thomas A. Ulrich, Professor Emeritus of Finance
AB, Franklin and Marshall College; MS, University of Delaware; PhD, Michigan State University; CMA; CFA

Anthony D. Villa, Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts (Music)
BA, Loyola College in Maryland; MM, DMA, University of Maryland

Stephen J. K. Walters, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BA, University of Pennsylvania; MA, PhD, University of California (Los Angeles)

Nancy A. Williams, Associate Professor Emerita of Economics
BS, University of California (Riverside); MA, PhD, University of California (Berkeley)

Donald T. Wolfe, Associate Professor Emeritus of Political Science
BA, St. Ambrose College; MA, Marquette University; PhD, Johns Hopkins University

George M. Wright, Associate Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, United States Naval Academy; MBA, DBA, The George Washington University

Anne L. Young, Professor Emerita of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, Wheaton College (Illinois); MS, PhD, Michigan State University

Norbert M. Zaczek, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, PhD, Carnegie-Mellon University