2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue 
    Feb 19, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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HS 307  -  Peace and War in Ancient Rome

(3.00 cr.)

A survey of ideas about peace and war in the ancient city with visits to some of the most important archaeological sites in Rome.  Sites to visit include various monuments commemorating Roman military achievements, like the Column of Trajan, and the museums of Rome to see art that depicted virtuous captives and victorious soldiers, as well as dedications to abstractions like clemency, courage, and family devotion.  Students learn about Roman attitudes towards victory and  defeat.  The course includes in-person viewing and reading of primary sources. Same course as CL 307 .

Prerequisite: One HS 100-level course.
Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Varies

Interdisciplinary Studies: CU/GT/ICL/II/IPJ

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