Feb 05, 2025
FR 362 - Censored(3.00 cr.)
Explores the social, historical, political, and poetic contexts of censorship in nineteenth-century France. By studying the forbidden best-sellers of the nineteenth century together with their popular and legal reception, students discover the ways in which ethics and politics play(ed) an integral role in the book trade. Once considered subversive for questioning marriage, virtue, religion, sexuality, gender, and imperialism, these banned books are now deemed classics. Authors studied include: Gustave Flaubert, Charles Baudelaire, Victor Hugo, Émile Zola, and Rachilde.
Prerequisite: FR 201 , FR 216 . Prerequisite (may be taken concurrently): FR 216 . Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring Years Typically Offered: Varies
Interdisciplinary Studies: CU/ICL
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