2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue 
    Mar 03, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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GT 401  -  Global Studies International Experience Internship

(3.00 cr.)

Restricted to juniors and seniors and global studies majors who cannot study abroad. The internship ordinarily requires 150 hours of internationally-related work or service (usually unpaid) distributed evenly over a semester. Students must submit a portfolio for grading by the faculty supervisor during the final examination period of the semester in which the internship is completed. The portfolio consists of a weekly journal or log of activities and observations, and a six to eight page essay reflecting on what was learned from the experience and its relevance for global studies. The final grade will also take into account the evaluation of the student's performance by the site supervisor. Written permission of the global studies director, a faculty supervisor, and the site supervisor. GT

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