2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue 
    Mar 29, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Curriculum and Policies


The curriculum at Loyola University Maryland requires a minimum of 38, three-, four-, or five-credit courses and at least 120 credits for an undergraduate degree. Some majors may require additional courses/credits. The residency requirement is the satisfactory completion of at least 20 of these courses at Loyola (see Residency Requirement under Policies). Ordinarily a student takes five, three-, four-, or five-credit courses in the fall and spring terms for four years. 

The curriculum is comprised of three areas: the core, the major, and the electives.

The Core

A liberal arts education requires that students take courses in the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and mathematics. These core courses, required of all students regardless of major, introduce students to these areas of study. Students in the Honors Program fulfill the University core requirements through an alternative core curriculum. Specific core requirements for individual programs can be found in each department's chapter. The University core requirements are as follows:

Composition: Effective Writing (WR 100 ).

Ethics: One course from PL 300-PL 319 or one course from TH 300-TH 319.

Fine Arts: One fine arts course is chosen from designated possibilities in art history (AH 109 AH 110 , AH 111 ), music (MU 201 MU 202 MU 203 , MU 204 ), photography (PT 270 ), studio arts (SA 224 , SA 227 /EG 227 ), or theatre (DR 250 , DR 251 , DR 252 ).

History: Encountering the Past (HS 100 ). 

Literature: Understanding Literature (EN 101 ). 

One additional 200-level EN course or 200-level HS course.

Language: One course at the 104- or 200-level in a modern world language (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, or Spanish) or one course in Greek or Latin at the 104 or 300-level, normally to be completed at Loyola. All students must fulfill the language core requirement.

Mathematics: One MA/ST course (excluding MA 103  and MA 104 ).

Natural Sciences: One course in a natural science. One additional course in computer science, EC 220 , engineering science (EG 101 , EG 103 ), mathematics/statistics (excluding MA 103  and MA 104 ), or a natural science.

Philosophy: Foundations of Philosophy (PL 201 ). One additional 200-level Philosophical Perspectives course or one course from TH 202-299.  The additional course must be in the other department from the one in which a student completes their Ethics requirement. 

Social Sciences: Any combination of two survey courses from economics, political science, psychology, or sociology. These are typically at the 100-level (200-level for psychology and select sociology courses). ED 205  fulfills one social science course requirement.

Theology: Theology Matters (TH 201 ). One additional 200-level Philosophical Perspectives course or one course from TH 202-299.  The additional course must be in the other department from the one in which a student completes their Ethics requirement. 

Diversity Core Requirement

The core values statement of Loyola University Maryland calls upon the curriculum to prepare students to dedicate themselves to diversity that values the richness of human society as a divine gift and to pursue justice by making an action-oriented response to the needs of the world. Therefore, as part of their core curriculum, students are required to successfully complete one designated diversity core, major, or elective course that will also count as one of their overall graduation requirements. A designated diversity course may not be taken as an independent or a private study. Transfer courses and courses taken through study abroad, do not fulfill this requirement.

A designated diversity core course includes substantial focus on issues in one of the following areas:

Global awareness concentrates on cultures that fall outside of the boundaries of a liberal arts education in the Western intellectual tradition, including, but not limited to, those in Asia, Pacific Islands, Africa, Central/Latin America, and Australia/New Zealand. Global awareness courses may also address the interaction between these cultures and Western cultures.

Justice awareness fosters the ability to think in a sophisticated manner about the distinctive life and thought of those subject to injustice, and/or addresses issues of injustice through the examination of oppression, discrimination, prejudice, stigmatization, and privilege.

Domestic diversity awareness considers the political, cultural, economic, and social significance of class, gender, sexuality, religion, disability, age, or race, or ethnicity, and explores the process by which distinctive American cultures have been created and either are or are not sustained.

Course sections that meet the diversity core requirement are designated with a D in Student Planning.

The Major

The "major" part of the curriculum offers a program of courses that enables students to pursue their specialized areas of study in depth. The major normally consists of two introductory courses, eight to 10 upper-division courses, and two to four other courses in allied disciplines.

The business majors within the Sellinger School of Business and Management include six introductory courses and seven upper-division business foundation courses. In addition, the accounting major requires seven upper-division courses in accounting. 

The Electives

Elective courses are those courses remaining in Loyola's minimum 120 credit and 38-course curriculum after core and major courses have been fulfilled.

Free electives may be taken in any department. The number of free electives each student must take is determined by the major.

Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning

At Loyola University Maryland, a variety of courses incorporate community service and community engagement as part of the learning experience. These courses contribute to those undergraduate educational aims that promote justice, diversity, leadership, and social responsibility: values that are central to the Jesuit educational mission of Loyola and of all Jesuit colleges and universities.

Service-learning refers specifically to experiential learning within academic courses that is gained through structured reflection on community-based service. In most courses, service-learning pedagogies are combined with more traditional modes of teaching and learning. Essential components of service-learning include:

  • Integration of service and learning in course goals and activities throughout the semester;
  • Instructor training in service-learning pedagogy;
  • Service activities planned and carried out in partnership with off-campus organizations and communities, including those facilitated by CCSJ;
  • Promotion of justice, diversity, and leadership;
  • Preparation of students for service;
  • Inclusion of structured reflection in course design;
  • Assessment mechanisms to measure the effectiveness of service-learning pedagogy and activities.

Service-learning may be optional or required of all students in a course, depending on the preferences and needs of the instructor, department, and community partners involved. Service may occur at a regular time weekly or biweekly, where students participate in an established service program organized by a community partner, or it may be centered on a class project undertaken in coordination with the community partner.

Engaging in service as part of a course contributes to learning about course content just as reading texts, watching films, conducting experiments in the lab, or going on field trips do. In a service-learning course, service becomes another "text" in the course or is part of the homework students undertake to learn about their subject matter. Community partners become co-educators, and faculty integrate learning from service with course aims. An array of structured reflection assignments—for example, written reflections and analysis, discussion, research, creative responses, or critical evaluation of service activities undertaken in the course—help students connect their service experiences in the course with the central ideas they are studying.

Ultimately, community engagement enhances the course learning, and in turn, the course learning gives students' service more meaning and greater impact in the community. Service-learning also provides students with hands-on experience that helps them understand the causes and effects of economic inequality and racism; the experiences of marginalized populations; the interactions among individuals, communities, and institutions; and the importance of active citizenship. Service-learning can help students learn professional skills that will advance them in future careers.

Examples of service-learning:

  • Spanish students tutor English language learning adults at a community center that serves immigrants. Students improve their oral comprehension and speaking skills and get insight into the lives of Spanish speakers in Baltimore and how they are impacted by immigration policy. Students' study of Spanish language and culture strengthens their ability to connect with tutees.

  • Writing students serving with a neighborhood association learn processes of creating community change; study of technical writing skills allows them to co-author a grant with the neighborhood.

  • Students in a geriatric psychology course work with residents of senior assisted-living centers; students' study of aging helps them better understand seniors, and their conversations help them to apply and evaluate the theories they study as well as to explore how social structures can isolate seniors.

  • Accounting students assist low-income families with their income taxes, both practicing their skills and deepening their understanding of how taxation systems directly impact low-income people.

Service-learning designated courses are offered each semester in a variety of disciplines. Courses are identified in web registration (select service-learning under course types) and the service-learning website, www.loyola.edu/service-learning.

Many courses at Loyola incorporate community engagement and service-learning pedagogy but do not meet the criteria for service-learning course designation. These courses remain valuable in the development of students' civic education and are thus encouraged. Some examples of course-based service components and community-engaged learning include one-time or intermittent group service, small-scale service projects, advocacy activities, or educational engagement with community members and partners either in or out of the classroom. Students interested in community-engaged learning are encouraged to contact their professors and department chairs or email CELS@loyola.edu. The service-learning program and other community-engaged learning opportunities are part of the Center for Community, Service, and Justice, located in the Humanities Center.


Messina is a unique first-year program committed to liberal arts learning and the Jesuit tradition. It is designed to help undergraduates transition to college-level work and forge a clear path to success in college and in their lives and careers afterward. Messina is named for the city in Sicily, Italy, where the Jesuits established their first college to welcome lay students. The college at Messina set the tone for how Jesuit education has evolved throughout its nearly 500-year history-through a commitment to academic excellence attained across a range of disciplines and the development of the whole person. Loyola's Messina offers a similarly distinctive beginning-an opportunity to explore learning in different disciplines, appreciate their interconnectedness, and take to heart the importance of learning to one's personal and intellectual growth.

In Messina, students take engaging interdisciplinary seminars designed and taught by Loyola's leading faculty. The Messina experience includes the following features:

  • Students take two linked, first-year seminar courses (one fall, one spring) connected by one of four themes: The Good Life, Self and Other, Stories We Tell, or The Visionary. Each seminar is specifically designed for first-year students and most satisfy common curricular requirements. Some courses also fulfill Loyola's diversity requirement.
  • One of the two seminar faculty members also will be the Messina student's advisor, thus ensuring that the faculty advisor and advisee know one another well.
  • Students participate in out-of-class experiences, events and performances, and excursions designed to extend classroom learning; build stronger communities around learning; and establish deeper relationships with Loyola faculty, administrators, and fellow students.
  • Residental students live in proximity to (but not necessarily in the same room or on the same floor with) students in their seminar courses and themed communities.

Messina enables students to form strong bonds with professors and peers and participate in stimulating conversations in and out of class, enhancing their interest in new subjects and improving their critical thinking, creativity, and global knowledge. For more information on Messina, visit www.loyola.edu/messina.

Transfer Transitions (LOY 101)

This one-credit seminar is designed to help transfer students make a smooth transition to Loyola and get the most out of their Loyola experience. Informal class discussions, group activities, off-campus events, and presentations by instructors and guest speakers help to introduce students to the Jesuit mission; inform them of the resources available on campus and throughout Baltimore to support their academic, co-curricular, and career interests and goals; promote connections with both experienced mentors and transfer peers; and provide opportunities for community-building in a supportive environment. The course typically meets once per week, and each section is facilitated by a faculty member and/or an administrator. Class discussions and activities focus on topics such as academic transitions, goal-setting, career preparation, and leadership. Students receive grades of S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory). Credits for this course do not count toward the completion of degree requirements.

Special Course Options

Independent Study

Independent study courses are special courses that permit a student to study a subject or topic in considerable depth beyond the scope of a regular course. The student works closely and directly with the instructor as a scholarly team. The format of the course may vary: laboratory research, prose or poetry writings, specialized study of a particular topic, etc. A student must expect to devote considerably more time to these courses than to a regular course. The student must use initiative, be highly motivated, and have a strong interest in the subject. Since the work is largely original on the part of the student, the faculty director is only able to give a general direction and guidance to the work.

Ordinarily, core courses may not be taken through independent study. The number of independent study courses a student may apply toward degree requirements is determined by the department chair and the appropriate Dean. Normally, that number should not exceed two; however, exceptions can be made by the department chairs with the approval of the respective Dean.

Registration for independent study courses requires submission of the Specialized Study Form no later than the end of the scheduled add/drop period. To gain approval for an independent study course, a student must:

  1. Develop a course plan with the instructor who will direct the independent study and obtain the instructor's signature on the completed Specialized Study Form.
  2. Obtain the signature of the department chair for approval of the course.
  3. Obtain the signature of the Academic Advising and Support Center to verify the number of independent study courses on the student's record for the department chair's review.


Internship courses provide opportunities for earning academic credit for practical experience in a particular discipline. All credit-bearing internships are arranged through an academic department and involve a student working in a regular business or professional environment under the guidance of a workplace supervisor and a faculty supervisor. The internship location may be in- or out-of-state, on a paid or unpaid basis, and be conducted in a business or professional environment or virtually. In many departments, internship courses include class time with other interns each week or the faculty supervisor or with both in addition to the time working. Internships may not be used to satisfy core requirements, and up to two internships (6 credits; two, 3-credit courses) may count toward graduation requirements. 

Individual departmental policy determines whether or not paid internships may be taken for academic credit and whether or not virtual internships are appropriate. Departments also determine how many internships count toward their major or minor program(s). Student interns ordinarily must have either junior or senior status.

Internship courses carry academic credit, and the grades are determined by the faculty as in regular courses. One hundred fifty hours of supervised work, distributed evenly across the semester are required in order to earn three academic credits. Internship time includes a combination of supervised time by approved experts outside the university, student assignments, and supervised time by a university instructor. At least 120 of the required hours should be completed under the workplace supervisor. Prior to the start of the internship, the university supervisor, the employer and the student intern should clarify the processes for supervision and providing feedback.

Internships not scheduled as a regular course require the Specialized Study Form and the approval of the faculty supervisor, the department chair, and the Academic Advising and Support Center. The Specialized Study Form must be submitted no later than the end of the scheduled add/drop period. Policies and procedures governing internships are available from academic departments and from the Academic Advising and Support Center.

Noncredit internships may be arranged between a student and an employer. No retroactive credit will be granted for such work experience.

Paid vs. Unpaid Internships

Paid internships may be for credit or noncredit bearing. Paid domestic or international internships could have tax or financial aid implications. It is the student's responsibility to report income earned through a paid internship and to consult with the Office of Financial Aid at Loyola University Maryland regarding their financial aid award.

International Internships

Students who are planning to study abroad through a Loyola program may consider completing an internship that coincides with the time abroad for the summer, semester, or year. Students may register for an internship course through the institutions with which Loyola has a direct, formal institutional agreement. The course must be graded abroad (not taken pass/fail) and credits must be assigned. The completed internship course and grade must be recorded on the official transcript from the participating international university.

Private Study

Private study courses are regular courses that are not available in the course schedule and that the student has not been able to schedule in the regular sequence. The scope, assignments, and requirements for a private study course are the same as for the regular course, and the student is required to meet with the instructor on a regular basis.

Ordinarily, core courses may not be taken through private study. In addition, typically, scheduling conflicts may not be resolved by registering for a course as private study.

Private study courses must be taken for a regular grade. Registration for these courses requires submission of the Specialized Study Form no later than the end of the scheduled add/drop period.

Study Abroad

Information on opportunities available to Loyola students for a junior semester, summer, or year abroad can be found in the chapter on International Programs. A number of programs are offered through the University and through other institutions. For details, visit the Office of International Programs or www.loyola.edu/department/international-programs.

Degrees, Majors, and Minors


Loyola University offers programs of instruction in the following disciplines:

Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Art History
Classical Civilization
Comparative Culture and Literary Studies
Computer Science
Elementary Education
Forensic Studies
Global Studies
Performing Arts
Political Science
Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Visual Arts

Bachelor of Science (BS)
Computer Science
Data Science

Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE)

The engineering major requires a concentration in one of the following areas: computer engineering, electrical engineering, materials engineering, or mechanical engineering.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Business Economics
Information Systems and Data Analytics
International Business
Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
Sustainability Management

Double Majors

Students may earn majors in more than one department, but they must complete all of the requirements for each major. Students majoring in related disciplines (e.g., mathematics and computer science) must receive permission from each department chair for specific courses to be applied toward requirements in both majors. The student's official record indicates the major as, for example, Mathematics and Computer Science. Students who complete the requirements for a double major only receive one degree.

Interdisciplinary Majors

Interdisciplinary majors may be arranged between some of the majors listed above. Interdisciplinary majors must be planned ahead as a coherent program and must have the written approval of both department chairs. Introductory level courses in each major and one-half of the upper-division program in each major (as specified by the departments) must be completed. The student's official record indicates the major as, for example, biology/psychology. This option is not available to accounting, comparative cultures and literary studies, education, forensic studies, or global studies majors.


While minors are not a required part of the curriculum at Loyola University, they are available in most academic departments. The number of courses needed varies across departments. See the listings for each department to determine the requirements. The student's official record indicates the minor field of study.

African and African American Studies (Interdisciplinary)
American Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Art History
Asian Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Biomedical Physics
Business Economics
Catholic Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Classical Civilization
Comparative Culture and Literary Studies
Computer Science
Data Science (Interdisciplinary)
Environmental Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Film Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Forensic Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Gender and Sexuality Studies (Interdisciplinary)
German Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Health and Human Experience (Interdisciplinary)
Information Systems and Data Analytics
Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Interdisciplinary)
International Business
Italian Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Latin American and Latino Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Management Consulting
Medieval Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Natural Sciences
Peace and Justice Studies (Interdisciplinary)
Political Science
Secondary Education
Special Education
Studio Arts
Supply Chain Management
Urban Education

Departmental Major/Minor

Declaration of Major

Upon admission to the University, most students express an interest in a specific major. During the entire first year, the student is considered officially undeclared and works with a Messina advisor to select or confirm a major in an area of interest and demonstrated ability. At the end of the second semester, the student has the option to formally declare a major or request an exploratory advisor, who will assist the student throughout the third semester with the discernment process of selecting a major. Upon the declaration of a major, the Academic Advising and Support Center will assign the student to a faculty member from the department of the major who will serve as the student's academic advisor.

Change of Major

The advisor and relevant department chair may permit a student to transfer from one major to another provided that:

  • the student meets the requirements of the school and department where admission is being sought;
  • the proposed change will better suit the student's aptitudes, interests, and abilities;
  • the student understands that all course requirements for the new major must be completed;
  • the faculty advisor, the chair of the department to which the student wishes to change, and the chair of the department the student intends to leave have been consulted by the student;
  • the student has properly completed and returned the Request for Change of Major/Minor Form to the Academic Advising and Support Center.

Loyola University Maryland gives no assurance that students who change majors will be able to fulfill degree requirements within four years. Students are responsible for making certain that all degree requirements have been completed.

Declaration/Change of Minor

In order to declare or change a minor, students must complete and submit a Change of Minor Form, signed by their advisor, to the Records Office.


In undergraduate courses, letter grades measure how well a student has mastered course content, developed critical thinking skills, learned discipline-specific concepts and methodology, and improved creative and critical expression, both oral and written. Evidence for grades varies by discipline, and by instructor, and might include few or many measures-formal examinations, portfolios of writing, term papers, book or academic paper critiques, lab reports, case studies, field experiences, quizzes, participating in or leading class discussion, library research, and oral interviews. The instructor cultivates work ethic and enthusiasm but bases the course grade primarily on academic achievement.

All faculty and departments are accountable for clear grading practices. A written explanation of the instructor's grading protocol in relation to the course objectives is distributed as part of the syllabus in the first week of the semester; the instructor lists the items to be included in the determination of the final grade and the relative importance of each item. Shortly after the middle of the semester, instructors electronically submit midterm grades to the Records Office. At the end of the semester, each instructor electronically submits letter grades that indicate each student's achievement in the course.

Grading Scale

The grade of C rewards a successful academic performance. Grades of C+, B-, B, B+, A- and A may also be given to measure additional gradations of accomplishment.

A Denotes outstanding achievement that is truly distinctive. The grade of A is earned by that student whose performance is highly accomplished-that is, who, grounded in the discipline, consistently shows superior mastery of course concepts and skills, offers leadership in class discussion and activities, and reliably takes the initiative in seeking knowledge beyond the formal confines of the course.
B Denotes achievement well above acceptable standards and is a mark of distinction. The grade of B is earned by a student who surpasses the standard performance with work that, in its rigor, originality, and creativity, is evidence of a firm command of course material within the framework of the discipline and of active engagement in learning in and out of class.
C Denotes an acceptable level of achievement in the course and is the standard for graduation from the University. The grade of C is earned by a student who successfully completes the requirements for the course laid out in the syllabus. The C student learns the course material, understands the nature of the discipline, develops requisite abilities and skills, and improves facility of expression through productive engagement in class and sufficient study outside of class.

The following grades describe substandard performance:

C- Unsatisfactory. Denotes academic performance below the standards for the course. The grade of C- earns academic credit but with a QPA value of 1.67.
D Inadequate. Denotes work of inferior quality that barely meets the objectives for the course. The grade of D is the lowest passing grade and a mark of inadequate performance.
F Failure. Denotes work below minimal standards of competence required to pass the course. A failing grade earns no academic credit and a QPA value of 0.000; the course does not satisfy prerequisite or degree requirements. 

The following grades may also be employed:

I Incomplete. See Incomplete Grade.
P Pass/Fail. The P grade denotes work equivalent to a C (2.000) or better for a course taken on a pass/fail basis. Course credits for the P grade are added to the student's credit total, but the grade is not included in calculating the QPA. The F grade is counted as a zero in calculating the student's quality point average. Ordinarily, a course taken on a pass/fail basis cannot count toward the requirements for a degree.
S Satisfactory. Denotes satisfactory work, equivalent to a C (2.000) or better in a course taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. This grade means that course credits will not be added to the student's credit total, and this grade has no effect on the student's GPA. A course taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis cannot count toward the requirements for a degree.
U Unsatisfactory. Denotes unsatisfactory work, equivalent to a C- (1.670) or below, in a course taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. This grade means that course credits will not be added to the student's credit total, and this grade has no effect on the student's credit total or QPA. A course taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis cannot count toward the requirements for a degree.
W Withdrawal. Denotes withdrawal from the course on or before the deadline for this change of status. This designation is not a grade and means that the course has no effect on the student's credit total or QPA.
NG No Grade. Denotes a zero credit course.
NR Not Received. Denotes that the grade has not been submitted by the instructor.
GL Grade Later. Denotes the first semester grade for a two-semester course when the final grade is given at the end of the second term or a course that extends beyond one semester, as scheduled by the department.
L Audit. Denotes that the student is auditing the course. To receive this grade on the transcript, the student must satisfy the attendance and other course requirements set by the instructor for an official audit (see Audit Policy). Courses taken on an audit basis cannot count toward the requirements for a degree.
AW Audit Withdrawal. Denotes lack of attendance and completion of other course requirements for a student registered as an auditor (see Audit Policy).

In calculating a student's quality point average (QPA) on a per credit basis, the following values are used: A = 4.000; A- = 3.670; B+ = 3.330; B = 3.000; B- = 2.670; C+ = 2.330; C = 2.000; C- = 1.670; D+ = 1.330; D = 1.000; and F = 0.000. Note that a C- (1.670) is an unsatisfactory grade since a 2.000 average is required for graduation. A course with a grade below C will not be accepted in transfer from another institution. Grades brought in from the packaged, exchange, or cooperative programs are calculated using Loyola's quality point system.

Midterm Grades

Shortly after the middle of the semester instructors electronically submit midterm grades to the Records Office. All first-year students receive a grade for each course; other students receive grades only for courses in which unsatisfactory work is being performed at midterm; i.e., C-, D+, D, or F. Midterm grades are available to students via Self-Service. Faculty advisors are encouraged to consult with students regarding any academic performance issues.

Final Grades

At the end of the semester, each instructor electronically submits a letter grade to the Records Office indicating each student's achievement in the course. This grade is based on the written explanation of the grading system for the course distributed as part of the syllabus in the first week of the semester. Final grades are available to students via Self-Service.

Appeal of a Final Grade

For any grade change or grade appeal related in whole or in part to an alleged Honor Code violation, follow the Process of Appeal for Academic Sanctions in the undergraduate Honor Code. For all other appeals of final course grades or changes of grade, follow the processes outlined below.

Any student who has reason to question the accuracy of a final course grade should request in writing a grade review with the instructor, stating the grounds upon which the review is being sought. The student must request a review of the grade no later than 10 business days after the beginning of fall semester for summer courses or spring semester for fall courses, and no later than 10 business days after final grades are due for spring semester courses. The instructor reports to the student and department chair, in writing, the result of the grade review (whether the grade is changed or not), ordinarily no later than 10 business days after the receipt of the student's request. The report must include an explanation of the reasoning behind the result. (If the instructor is the department chair, the report is submitted to the appropriate Dean. The appropriate Dean is the Dean of the school of the University in which the course of the contested grade is housed.)

If a grade change is made by the instructor, the instructor states the reason for the grade change on the Change of Grade Form and submits the Change of Grade Form, along with a copy of the student's written request, to the department chair for approval. (If the department chair is also the instructor, the instructor will submit the materials to the appropriate Dean, who will appoint a senior member of the department to review the grade).

In reviewing a grade change, if the department chair (or senior department member) is satisfied that established procedures were followed and that the grade was not changed in an arbitrary or capricious manner or for inappropriate reasons, the chair (or senior member) communicates this in writing to the faculty member and the student and submits the Change of Grade Form to the Records Office. If, however, the chair (or senior member) is not satisfied that established procedures were followed or believes the grade was changed in an arbitrary or capricious manner or for other inappropriate reasons, the chair (or senior member) communicates this in writing to the faculty member and the student and no change of grade occurs. In the case where the chair (or senior member) does not have confidence in the grade or adherence to the procedures, see the paragraph on considering a grade appeal below.

If the instructor does not change a grade, and the student is not satisfied with the instructor's grade review, the student may file a grade appeal. This student grade appeal must include an explanation of why the student thinks the result of the faculty review of the grade is in error. The grade appeal must be submitted in writing to the department chair no later than 10 business days after the instructor submits the written grade review to the student and department chair. (If the department chair is also the instructor, a senior member of the department chosen by the appropriate Dean will review the grade appeal.) If a student is studying abroad at the time that the instructor submits the written grade review, the student may request that the chair (or senior member) grant an extension until 10 business days after the start of the semester in which the student returns to Loyola to submit a grade appeal. No grades may be appealed after a student graduates.

In considering a grade appeal, the department chair (or senior department member) should ensure that established procedures were followed and that the grade was not determined in an arbitrary or capricious manner or for inappropriate reasons. The chair (or senior member) should confer with the student and the instructor, individually. Other parties, including parents or attorneys are not permitted to attend the grade appeal conference. The chair (or senior member) should report the result of this review, in writing, to the instructor, the student, and the appropriate dean, ordinarily no later than 10 business days after receiving the appeal. This report must include an explanation for the reasoning behind the decision. If the chair (or senior member) determines that established procedures were not followed or that a grade was given in an arbitrary or capricious manner or based on inappropriate reasons, the chair (or senior member) fills out a Change of Grade Form and submits it to the Records Office.

If either the student and/or the instructor is not satisfied with the outcome of the department chair's (or senior department member's) review of a change of grade or of a grade appeal, the student and/or the instructor may appeal to the appropriate dean by submitting all pertinent documents for further review. The grade appeal must be submitted by the student and/or instructor in writing to the dean no later than 10 business days after the student and/or instructor receives the written grade review from the department chair. The dean is expected to review the record and confer with the chair (or senior member) and the student and instructor. Other parties, including parents and attorneys, are not permitted to attend this conference. If the Dean is unavailable to adjudicate the appeal, the appropriate associate dean will do so on the Dean's behalf.

The dean reports the outcome of the grade appeal review to the instructor, student, chair, and the Records Office, normally no later than 10 business days after receiving the information from the department chair. The dean's review of all grade changes and grade appeals is final.

If a dismissal involves a grade appeal, then both the appeal of the dismissal and the grade appeal must be filed no later than 30 days after the close of the semester. Students are allowed to remain enrolled in current courses while appealing grades that will result in dismissal; however, they will not be allowed to register for subsequent semesters until the appeal is resolved. Students already registered for the next semester will be removed from enrollment if, when the appeal is resolved, the dismissal stands. Students who have been academically dismissed and who are in the process of a grade appeal may not register for future semesters until the appeal is resolved.

A W cannot be the result of a grade appeal. A W on an academic transcript indicates that a student has successfully withdrawn from a course(s), following the approved course withdrawal process (described below), including published deadlines.

Audit Policy

Listener status denotes that the student is auditing the course. To receive a grade of L on the transcript, the student must satisfy the attendance and other course requirements set by the instructor for an official audit. Students who do not meet these requirements will receive a final grade of AW.

Students may audit a course if they are officially registered and have the prior written approval of the instructor. Permission must be granted prior to the beginning of the semester in question and enrollment for audit will always be on a space-available basis; the normal tuition policy applies. After the end of the add/drop period, students registered for audit may not change their registration and take the course for credit; nor may students who registered for credit change their registration to audit. Courses taken on an audit basis cannot count toward the requirements for a degree.  A student can repeat an audited course for credit.

Incomplete Grade

At the discretion of the course instructor, a temporary grade of I may be given to a student who is passing a course but for reasons beyond the student's control (illness, injury, or other nonacademic circumstance), is unable to complete the required coursework during the semester. A grade of I should not be issued to allow the student additional time to complete academic requirements of the course (except as noted above), repeat the course, complete extra work, or because of excessive absenteeism or the student's unexcused absence from the final exam. A grade of I may be assigned to graduating seniors only with the written approval of the academic Dean of the student's college, and only if the Incomplete Form is submitted no later than the final day grades are due in the Records Office. Students may not graduate with a grade of I in any course on their record.  In all other cases, the Records Office will assign a grade of NR.

Arrangements for the grade of I must be made prior to the final examination, or if the course has no final examination, prior to the last class meeting. The responsibility for completing all coursework within the agreed upon time rests with the student. The completion dates for courses for which a grade of I is issued are:

Fall Semester February 1
Spring Semester July 1
Summer Sessions October 1

If an extension to the above deadlines is necessary, the signature of the Dean of the appropriate school is required. The grade of I may remain on the record no longer than the time period agreed to by the instructor and the student and may not exceed one semester. If the I is not resolved satisfactorily within the agreed upon time period, a grade of F (0.000 will be recorded by the Records Office as the final grade).

Students who have been granted an I for a course and are placed on probation or suspended from the University for any reason after the close of the semester in which the I was given must complete the coursework under the terms set forth on the Incomplete Report. If those terms are not met, the grade will change to F (0.000).

Academic Standing

Quality Point Average (QPA)

The QPA is an average of the student's grades that gives proportionate weight to individual courses on the basis of the credit value assigned to them. While most courses have a three-credit value, a few courses have a five-, four-, two-, or one-credit value. The QPA is computed in the following manner: A = 4.000 grade points; A- = 3.670; B+ = 3.330; B = 3.000; B- = 2.670; C+ = 2.330; C = 2.000; C- = 1.670; D+ = 1.330; D = 1.000; and F = 0.000.

The grade points are multiplied by the credit value for the course to give the number of quality points. The sum of quality points for the courses taken is divided by the sum of the credit values of the courses taken to arrive at the QPA. Grades brought in from the Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP) or the packaged or affiliation programs are calculated using Loyola's quality point system.

Dean's List Honors

At the end of each semester, recognition on the Dean's List of students for distinguished academic achievement is awarded to students who achieve a minimum QPA of at least 3.500 for the term, provided that, in the term they have successfully completed courses totaling a minimum of 12 credits applicable to a degree (excluding pass/fail courses, S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory), and courses assigned a grade of W). If the recommended course load for a particular term falls below the required 12 credits, an elective should be added for students to meet the credit requirement for consideration for Dean's List. These same requirements apply to students participating in the Loyola study abroad programs and affiliations in which the grades are transferred to Loyola University Maryland.

Loyola students at year-long programs or affiliations abroad must achieve a minimum cumulative QPA of 3.500 for the year and they must have successfully completed courses totaling a minimum of 24 credits applicable to a degree (excluding pass/fail courses, S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory),  and courses assigned a grade of W). Students at semester-long programs or affiliations abroad must earn at least a 3.500 cumulative QPA and complete 12 or more credits (excluding pass/fail courses, S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory), and courses assigned a grade of W) applicable to a degree.

Good Academic Standing

In order to be in good academic standing at Loyola, first-year students are required to have a cumulative QPA of at least 1.800 at the end of their first and second semesters of study. By the end of the first semester of sophomore year and each semester thereafter, students must maintain a cumulative QPA of at least 2.000.

Academic Probation

Students whose QPA is below 1.800 at the end of the first semester of first year and have no more than two grades of F in courses of 3 or more credits will be placed on academic probation. These students will be required to register for and attend the student success course Achieving Academic Success, meet throughout the semester with a probation advisor, and meet other requirements of probation such as utilizing the replacement policy during their second semester.

Students with a QPA of at least 1.800 but below 2.000 after the first semester of the sophomore year may be placed on academic probation or dismissed, depending upon their academic history up until that point.

Achieving Academic Success (LOY 111)

This one-credit seminar is designed to assist students on academic probation in returning to good academic standing. Students learn about and utilize various strategies and resources to assist them in achieving academic success. Students explore and practice various keys to achievement, including personal responsibility, self-motivation, self-management, interdependence,and self-awareness.  Developing these skills will enable students to make more effective choices and increase their engagement and active involvement in their own learning. Students receive grades of S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory). Credits for this course do not count toward the completion of degree requirements.

Academic Dismissal

Students whose QPA is below 1.800 and have three or more grades of F in courses of 3 or more credits at the end of the first semester of first year will be dismissed. Students whose QPA is below 1.800 at the end of the first year may be dismissed from the University, depending on their academic record up until that point. Students with a cumulative QPA of less than 2.000 after the third semester or any semester thereafter may be dismissed from the University.

Academic Appeal Process

Students dismissed from Loyola due to academic deficiency may appeal their dismissal by calling the Academic Advising and Support Center at 410-617-5050 to schedule an appeal hearing with members of the Academic Standards Committee.

Students who request an appeal normally will be required to attend an interview with a hearing board of the Academic Standards Committee. Interviews take place early in January for dismissals at the end of the fall semester and in early June for dismissals at the end of the spring semester. After considering the letter of appeal and any additional information presented by the student during the interview, the Academic Standards Committee will make a recommendation to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Each student is sent a letter regarding the final decision of the Dean. This decision is not subject to further appeal except in cases where students believe their right to a fair hearing (sometimes referred to as due process) has been violated.

If the dismissal is overturned following an appeal, the student is placed on academic probation. The requirements and expectations that form the terms of the probation will be specified in writing. In some cases, the probation may require a mandatory leave of absence (suspension) from the University. The student is responsible for abiding by all requirements of the probation and for taking any other steps necessary to achieve the QPA required for good standing by the end of the next semester on campus. Failure to meet the terms of probation and to achieve satisfactory academic standing will result in dismissal from the University at the end of the probationary semester. An appeal by a student on probation generally will be unsuccessful if the student's semester QPA remains below the standard for good standing.

Students who have been granted an I (Incomplete) for a course and are placed on probation or suspended from the University for any reason after the close of the semester in which the I was given must complete the coursework under the terms set forth on the Incomplete Report. If those terms are not met, the grade will change to F.


Students are responsible for selection of courses, completion of degree requirements, and acquainting themselves with the regulations pertinent to their status. Degrees are conferred in September, January, and May.  Formal commencement ceremonies are held each year in May. Only students who have completed all degree requirements- the requirements for their major, a minimum of 38, three-, four-, and five-credit courses and at least 120 credits, including the diversity core requirement-and have earned a minimum cumulative average of 2.000 in all Loyola courses and who do not have a financial obligation to the University are permitted to participate in the formal commencement ceremony. Students who complete degree requirements in September and January may obtain their diplomas following the degree conferral date from the Records Office. These students may also participate in the formal commencement ceremony the following May.


All students are required to file an electronic Application for Graduation with the Records Office. Full-time students must submit the application to the Records Office by the start of the first semester of their senior year. Part-time students must submit the application to the Records Office by the first day of classes for each term in which the student intends to graduate.

Students who do not file their graduation applications by the due date will not receive information for ordering caps/gowns, graduation announcements, etc. Students should check the academic calendar, course schedules, and the Records Office website for due dates. Students who file an application for a specific semester and do not complete the graduation requirements must submit a new electronic graduation application.


To receive Latin honors at graduation, students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) as follows: summa cum laude, 3.800 or higher; magna cum laude, between 3.700 and 3.799 (inclusive); cum laude, between 3.500 and 3.699 (inclusive). To calculate a student's honors at graduation, see the section on Quality Point Average (QPA).  QPA is taken to 3 decimal places.

The cumulative Loyola GPA is used for determining Latin honors at graduation or any other University academic honors. Latin honors are calculated with grades that appear on the Loyola transcript for courses completed at Loyola, through Loyola-sponsored programs, or for courses taken through the Baltimore Student Exchange Program. Full- and part-time students are eligible to receive honors at graduation.

Latin honors will be noted on the diploma and transcript.

Student Status

A full-time undergraduate student registers for at least 12 credits during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Three-quarter-time undergraduate students register for at least 9 and less than 12 credits during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Half-time undergraduate students register for at least 6 and less than 9 credits during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Summer session is considered optional.


Students and faculty are accountable to all formal University policies and procedures.

Excused Absence Policy

The Loyola educational experience comprises more than just private reading and the passing of examinations and tests. Mature and motivated students recognize that active and informed participation in class discussions is essential to the development of their intellectual abilities and their scholarly growth. Accordingly, the University expects its students to accept their responsibility to attend class regularly. The attendance requirements and the grading system for each course are stated in the syllabus and are explained by the instructor at the start of each term.

If, for reasons of health or other emergency, a student knows that they will be absent from class for several days, the student should inform the Office of Undergraduate Studies (ODUGS) by telephone (410‑617‑5547). Documentation of the reason for the absences may be required. ODUGS will inform the faculty of the student's absence. With the exception of University-sanctioned absences, only instructors can excuse student absences from their classes. In cases where documented extenuating circumstances require an extended period of absence, the Academic Advising and Support Center or the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies will work with students and their professors to make appropriate accommodations in keeping with each instructor's learning aims and course policies.

Students are excused from class attendance for travel to and participation in (1) all their scheduled varsity athletic competitions and (2) special University events as designated in writing by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee. Students must notify instructors of planned excused absences at least one week in advance and make arrangements to submit assignments and take make-up tests and quizzes according to each instructor's specifications.

Students absent from class for any reason are responsible for obtaining missed lecture notes and for scheduling make-up dates with the instructor for all missed quizzes, tests, class presentations, and laboratories as permissible. Students who know in advance that they will be absent must ask the instructor's permission and must submit assignments and take scheduled tests and quizzes before the date of the absence unless advised otherwise by the instructor. Students are not entitled to make up work missed for unexcused absences.

While students may not be penalized for excused absences (assuming make-up work is completed according to the terms set by the instructor), neither may they be rewarded for attendance alone, which is a basic University expectation. Students should note that excessive absences for any reason may make it impossible for them to meet the learning aims of their courses, and that unexcused absences may adversely affect not only their learning but their participation grades as well.

Students are expected to be on time for all classes and must take semester examinations at the regularly scheduled time. Students who are absent from a semester examination for a serious reason may be permitted to take a deferred examination if they validate their absence to the satisfaction of their instructor. Students who are absent from a deferred examination automatically receive a grade of zero for the examination.

Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Programs and Double-Applying Coursework

Undergraduate students, who have been accepted into accelerated graduate degree programs, ordinarily may take three to nine hours of graduate credit that may be applied to both the undergraduate and, subject to graduate program director approval, graduate degrees. The graduate credits will be applied to the undergraduate degree as elective credits, unless approved as major or minor credits by the department chair or program director, will appear on the undergraduate transcript, and will be included in the calculation of the undergraduate GPA and Latin honors. The graduate courses and credits (no grades) will appear on the graduate transcript as advanced standing toward the degree, once approved by the graduate program director. For courses to qualify for advanced standing into the graduate program, the student must receive a grade of B (3.000) or higher. These courses will not calculate into the graduate-level GPA.

Baltimore Student Exchange Program

Loyola University Maryland participates in the Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP) with Community College of Baltimore County, Coppin State University, Goucher College, Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins Peabody, The Maryland Institute College of Art, Morgan State University, Notre Dame of Maryland University, Stevenson University, Towson University, University of Baltimore, and University of Maryland, Baltimore County. The University BSEP program allows full-time sophomore, junior, and senior students to take one course in each of the fall and spring terms at one of the other institutions, without being charged tuition, if the course is not available at the home institution. Occasionally, some courses require additional fees to cover materials, facilities, or equipment use and cannot be waived. These fees should be identified at the time of registration and must be paid by the student directly to the host institution. Effective as of November 10, 2014, Towson University no longer accepts BSEP registrations for graduating seniors in their final semester.

For courses taken through the BSEP, students must have at least a 2.000 cumulative quality point average (QPA), receive the permission of their advisor and the Academic Advising and Support Center, and the course requested must still be open. Only undergraduate courses applicable toward a degree and offered during the fall and spring semesters are considered for acceptance. Students must have completed the prerequisites for the courses to be taken at the host institution, as specified by the host institution. Students may not enroll in more than 8 courses during their academic careers. Independent study, private study, special tutorials, etc., are excluded from the program. Courses taken at BSEP participating institutions as part of the BSEP count toward residency at Loyola. Grades for these courses appear on the Loyola transcript and are included in calculating the student's QPA using the Loyola quality point system.

Participating BSEP institutions are located 10 to 45 minutes driving time from Loyola; students must provide their own transportation. All students taking a course at a BSEP institution agree to abide by the rules and regulations, academic and otherwise, of that institution. Loyola students are subject to the disciplinary procedures established by the cooperative institutions for any violations of these policies.

Students participating in the program must complete the BSEP Registration Request Form that may be obtained on the Baltimore Collegetown website (http://baltimorecollegetown.org/colleges/cross-registration/index.html). This form must be signed by the student's academic advisor and the Academic Advising and Support Center and returned with any other applicable course registration materials. Registration for BSEP courses requires submission of the BSEP Form no later than the host institution's add/drop period. Any registration materials related to Loyola coursework as a result of enrolling in a course through BSEP, such as an Undergraduate Change of Registration form, must be received no later than the end of Loyola's scheduled add/drop or withdrawal period. If the student enrolled in a course through BSEP has applied to graduate, it is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor of the course at the host institution to complete the course requirements, including the final examination, prior to Loyola's commencement date. The final grade for students graduating in May must be received by Loyola's BSEP coordinator in the Records Office by noon on the Tuesday prior to commencement. If these arrangements are not made, the student's graduation may be delayed, and the student may be prevented from participating in the commencement ceremony.

Courses at Other Colleges

All transfer courses require the prior written permission of the Academic Advising and Support Center, which will work with department chairs, as needed, to review coursework. Mode of course delivery is not a factor in determining eligibility for credit. Only courses at accredited institutions will be accepted (see Residency Requirement).

Except for courses taken as part of the BSEP or approved international programs, a letter grade of C (2.000) or higher must be obtained for any course transferred to Loyola, and then only the credits are transferred. Courses with a grade of C- or below are not transferable (see Grades). The grade does not transfer and does not count in the Loyola QPA.

Students who have been placed on disciplinary suspension by the University will not be granted transfer credit for courses taken at other institutions during the suspension period. Students who have been placed on academic suspension by the University may be granted transfer credit only with the permission of the Academic Standards Committee and the Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

Transfer Credit from High School

College-level work done prior to high school graduation will be reviewed for transfer credit eligibility upon receipt of the following documents:

  • an official, seal-bearing transcript from an accredited college/university, indicating the credits received for the course and that the grade earned is a C or above; and
  • if needed to determine transferability, an official course description and/or syllabus detailing course outcomes.

Each supporting document is to be sent to the Academic Advising and Support Center.

Loyola University Maryland awards credit for Advanced Placement (AP), British A-Level Exams, International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test achievement, and for dual enrollment courses at the college level. The total maximum amount of credit awarded from these sources is limited to 30 credits. Such credit does not count toward fulfillment of the residency requirement. 


Exceptions to university-wide academic policies must have the approval of the Academic Advising and Support Center (AASC). A student may appeal the decision of AASC, in writing, to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. The appeal should be accompanied by a description of the facts of the case, as well as a statement of support (or non-support) from the instructor and/or the department chair, as appropriate. The Dean will provide a written decision after reviewing the case in consultation with other appropriate Deans. The Dean's decision is final. Students must submit appeals on their own behalf; appeals from a third party will not be accepted. Both the initial request and any appeal should be submitted within 14 days from the date the appeal to AASC was denied to allow for proper consideration.

Grade Reports

Students can generate official grade reports online using Self-Service. Online access requires a valid User ID and Password (same as Loyola email). Final and midterm grade reports can be accessed by parents and guardians through the Parent Portal. No grades are given in person or over the telephone. Official grades will not be released for students with outstanding financial obligations to the University; students who have not filed the immunization record with Student Health Services; or those who have borrowed and not returned equipment or supplies such as library books and athletic equipment.

Leave of Absence

Students may take a leave of absence for not more than two semesters. Students who take a leave of absence while on academic or disciplinary probation must complete the probation and satisfy its terms upon returning to Loyola. Students subject to dismissal for academic or disciplinary reasons are not eligible for a leave of absence.

A medical leave of absence may be granted by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, or the dean's designee. Medical documentation supporting the request for a medical leave of absence is required.

Students applying for leave must complete the Leave of Absence Form and consult the Financial Aid Office to determine what effect this leave may have on financial aid available upon their return. Ordinarily, students on a leave of absence from the University will not receive transfer credit for courses taken at another institution during the period of the leave. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Dean of Undergraduate Studies for any exceptions to this policy.

Upon completion of the approved leave of absence, students may return to Loyola under the academic requirements in effect at the time of departure without completing the regular admissions process. Students on an approved leave of absence who do not return at the conclusion of that leave and who do not request an extension of the leave in writing from the Dean of Undergraduate Studies will be withdrawn from the University at the conclusion of the first formal add/drop period, the first week of classes following the end of the leave.

Repeating a Course

A student may choose to "repeat" any course. All grades for a repeated course will be included with the original grade in the computation of the cumulative QPA. Students repeating courses specifically required in the core must repeat the same course. If a course is failed in a core area, it may be repeated by another course in that area (any social science course may be taken as a repeat for any other social science course.) Students repeating courses specifically required in the major must repeat the same course. Any free elective is a valid repeat for any other free elective. A major elective must be repeated by a course within the major elective group. In all circumstances, both the original and repeated grades count in the cumulative QPA. Students may repeat failed Loyola courses at another institution under the terms specified here. However, the original grade remains on the transcript, and the transfer grade is not computed in the Loyola cumulative QPA. Students cannot register for a repeat course via Web Registration.

Replacing a Course

Students can "replace" at maximum two grades during their Loyola career. The grade for any replacement course will replace the original grade in the computation of the cumulative QPA; however, both the old and the new grade will appear on the transcript. The replacement grade is computed in the cumulative QPA regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the original grade. The semester QPA is not affected if a grade for that semester is replaced by a later grade. Students cannot use the replacement option for courses involving an Honor Code violation.

Students taking a course as a replacement must obtain a Repeat/Replacement Form, available in the Academic Advising and Support Center. An advisor signature is required. The completed form is submitted to the Academic Advising and Support Center (AASC). 

Note: Federal financial aid will pay for only one repeat of a previously passed course (D or better). Replacing a course may have implications for financial aid. For additional information, please contact the Office of Financial Aid (410-617-2576).

The following grade "replacement" options are available to students. Please note that any grades replaced using these options are included in the replacement grade maximum (two grades).

First-Year Course Replacement

Fully admitted, degree-seeking first-year students may use the "replacement" option to recover academically. When registering for their second or third semesters, students may replace grades of D or F from courses that they took during their first semester.

Transfer Student Course Replacement

Fully admitted, degree-seeking first semester transfer students, may use the "replacement" option to recover academically. When registering for their second or third semesters, students may replace grades of D or F from courses that they took during their first semester.

Change of Major Course Replacement

Upper-class students changing declared majors may find that major course requirements are significantly different from department to department. These students are permitted to use the "replacement" option to replace grades in major courses from the original major with grades in major courses from the new major.

Residency Requirement

Students must satisfactorily complete at least 60 credits at Loyola University of Maryland.  Of the last 60 credits, 45 must be taken at Loyola.  Additionally, 15 of the last 21 credits and at least one-half of the courses in the major and minor field of study also must be taken at Loyola. Credit awarded on the basis of any placement tests does not count toward fulfillment of the residency requirement.  Approved courses taken in the University's own study abroad programs or affiliations apply toward the residency requirement.  Study abroad courses sponsored by external study abroad programs do not count toward residency or in the Loyola QPA. (See Courses at Other College for guidelines governing transfer credit).

Sixth Course

Students may register for only five courses (excluding one-/two-credit courses) during the official registration period. To take a sixth course, students must receive electronic permission from their academic advisor prior to registering using Web Registration. Students may also register by submitting a Change of Registration Form to the Records Office. The form must have the sixth course box checked and be signed by the academic advisor (if electronic permission has not been given) and the Academic Advising and Support Center. First-year students are permitted to request a sixth course for their second semester if they earn a QPA of 3.000 or above for five, three-, four-, or five-credit courses during their first semester. Upperclassmen must be in good academic standing (having a QPA of 2.000 or above) to request a sixth course. Approval of the request is subject to successful completion of all prerequisites and course availability. Students may not register for: more than six courses during the fall or spring semesters; or, more than one course during the winter away period; or, more than one maymester course; or, more than four total summer courses (with no more than two external study abroad summer away courses and with no more than two courses in a summer session). No more than the equivalent of two full-time summer courses can overlap substantially during the summer sessions.

Test Materials

All examinations, tests, and quizzes assigned as a part of the course are the property of the University. Students may review their graded examinations, tests, or quizzes, but may not retain possession of them unless permitted to do so by the instructor.


Student academic records are maintained in the Records Office. Academic records are available for student inspection, by appointment during office hours.

The transcript is a facsimile of the student's permanent academic record at Loyola. Unofficial transcripts are available through Self-Service. Official transcripts are transmitted or mailed directly to another college or university or other official institution or agency. Official transcripts are printed or electronically produced on security paper, and they bear the seal of the University and the signature of the director of records.

Transcripts are issued only upon the written request of the student concerned or the submission of an electronic request using Loyola's secure online transcript ordering service. Due to authentication restrictions, email, fax, and telephone requests are not accepted. There is a minimum service charge of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for transcripts ordered through Loyola's secure online transcript ordering service.  There is no charge for unofficial transcripts.

Transcripts should be requested well in advance of the date desired to allow for processing time and possible mail delay. The University will not assume responsibility for transcripts that are delayed, because they have not been requested in time or the student has an outstanding debt with the University. Transcripts will not be faxed; however, they can be delivered electronically through Loyola's online transcript ordering service.

Transcripts of work at other institutions or test scores submitted for admission or evaluation of credit cannot be copied or reissued by Loyola University Maryland. If that information is needed, the student must go directly to the issuing institution or agency.

Withdrawal from a Course

During the first four days of the fall or spring semester a full-time student may withdraw from a course without receiving a grade of W. After this period, but no later than four full weeks (20 class days) before the end of the semester, a student may withdraw from a course (receiving a grade of W) upon the advice and approval of the instructor of the course, the faculty advisor, and an administrator in the Academic Advising and Support Center. Intercollegiate athletes must also obtain the signature of an administrator from Student Athlete Support Services. Failure to comply with the official withdrawal procedure will result in a permanent grade of F or AW (for audit registration students only).

Withdrawal from the University

A student who withdraws voluntarily from the University is entitled to honorable departure under the following conditions:

  • The student must not be liable for dismissal on account of academic deficiency or breach of discipline.
  • All financial indebtedness to the University must be settled.
  • The student must complete the Student Withdrawal Form.
  • Depending on the time and reasons for withdrawing, the student will receive a grade of either W, F, or AW for any incomplete courses (see Withdrawal from a Course).

Course Keys

The following abbreviations are used to identify the disciplines in which a course is offered:

AB Arabic
AC Accounting
AH Art History
BA Business Administration
BH Sellinger Scholars Program
BL Biology
CH Chemistry
CI Chinese
CL Classics
CM Communication
CS Computer Science
DR Theatre
DS Data Science
EC Economics
ED Education
EG Engineering
EN English
FI Finance
FO Forensic Studies
FR French
GK Greek
GR German
GT Global Studies
HN Honors Program
HS History
IB International Business
IS Information Systems
IT Italian
LT Latin
LW Law
MA Mathematics
MG Management
MK Marketing
ML Modern Languages (Interdisciplinary)
MS Military Science
MU Music
OM Production and Operations Management
PH Physics
PL Philosophy
PO Portuguese
PS Political Science
PT Photography
PY Psychology
RE Reading
SA Studio Arts
SC Sociology
SE Special Education
SN Spanish
SP Speech Hearing Sciences
ST Statistics
TH Theology
WR Writing

Course Numbers

001-099 independent studies, internships, and some courses not counting towards graduation requirements
100-199 introductory courses
200-299 lower-division courses
300-499 upper-division courses
500-599 courses that may be taken for undergraduate or graduate credit

Students are not permitted to take a course if they have not successfully completed its prerequisites. Many of the courses listed are offered every year; others are offered on a two-year cycle.

Interdisciplinary Studies Codes

The following codes are used at end of a course description to identify the interdisciplinary program(s) toward which the course counts.


CU Comparative Culture and Literary Studies
DS Data Science
FO Forensic Studies
GT Global Studies


IA Asian Studies
IAF African and African American Studies
IC Catholic Studies
ICL Comparative Culture and Literary Studies
IDS Data Science
IES Environmental Studies
IF Film Studies
IFS Forensic Studies
IG Gender and Sexuality Studies
IGE German Studies
IHE Health and Human Experience
IEN Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
II Italian Studies
IL Latin American and Latino Studies
IM Medieval Studies
IMC Management Consulting
IPJ Peace and Justice Studies
IU American Studies