2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ML 334  -  The Continuing Allure of Magic: Fairy Tales from Perrault and Grimm to Walt Disney

(3.00 cr.)

Close reading of fairy tales to ascertain their meaning and purpose within the sociohistorical context of the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries; examination of the Perrault and Grimm tales against the background of the literary currents of their times; comparison of traditional fairy tales with modern rewrites, with Walt Disney versions, and with contemporary fairy-tale theatre productions (videos). Interpretation of fairy tales from the anthropological, psychological, sociological, and political perspectives.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Varies

Interdisciplinary Studies: CU/ICL

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