2017-2018 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life and Services

Loyola University Maryland, as a Jesuit institution, looks upon student services as a complement to the student's academic program, and the primary aim of the student services program is, therefore, necessarily educational. The University concerns itself with all aspects of student life, including the spiritual, disciplinary, social, and extracurricular. Members of the University who staff the areas of housing and welfare, health, counseling, athletics, career development and placement, and new student orientation are available for whatever assistance they can give in helping the students achieve the greatest possible personal development during their stay at Loyola.

Buckley Amendment

Loyola University Maryland has a commitment to protect the confidentiality of student records. The University makes every effort to release information only to those individuals who have established a legitimate educational need for the information. Documents submitted to the University by the student or other authorized person or agency for the purpose of admission to the University become the property of Loyola University Maryland and cannot be released (originals or copies) to another party by request.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes is inaccurate. Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

    One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

    A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

    If non-directory information is needed to address a disaster or other health or safety emergency, school officials may disclose that information to appropriate parties, without consent, if the University determines that knowledge of that information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Loyola University Maryland to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

    Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20202‑4605

FERPA requires that Loyola University Maryland, with certain exceptions, obtain the student's written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the student's education records. However, the University may disclose appropriately designated "directory information" without written consent, unless the student has advised the University to the contrary in accordance with University procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the University to include this type of information from the student's education records in certain institutional publications. Examples include the annual yearbook, Dean's List or other recognition lists, graduation programs; and directory information. Directory information is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a student's prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks.

Loyola University Maryland considers the following information to be directory information which can be released without the written consent of the student: name; photo; home, dorm, local, and e‑mail address; home, dorm, local phone number; voice mailbox; class year; enrollment status; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Every student has the right to file a written request with the University (Records Office) to restrict the listing of directory information in the electronic address directory. If a student does not want the University to disclose directory information from the student's education records without the student's prior written consent, the student must notify the University annually, in writing, within the first week of classes: Records Office, 4501 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210‑2699. Students should be aware that instructing the University not to release directory information could impact disclosures to potential employers, lending institutions, health insurance carriers, etc.

The University may disclose educational records to the parents of a dependent student, as defined in Title 26 USCSS 152 of the Internal Revenue Code. Proof of dependency must be on record with the University or provided to the office responsible for maintaining records prior to disclosure of the records. Students may also sign an Authorization to Disclose Education Records to Parents, available in the Records Office (Maryland Hall 141) and online, www.loyola.edu/records.

Freedom of Expression

Loyola University Maryland is committed to standards promoting speech and expression that foster an open exchange of ideas and opinions.

All members of the Loyola academic community, which includes students, faculty, staff, and administrators, enjoy the right to freedom of speech and expression. This freedom includes the right to express points of view on the widest range of public and private concerns, and to engage in the robust expression of ideas. The University encourages a balanced approach in all communications and the inclusion of contrary points of view.

As is true with the society at large, the right to free speech and expression is subject to reasonable restrictions of time, place, and manner and does not include unlawful activity. Obviously, and in all events, the use of the University forum shall not imply acceptance of or endorsement by the University of the views expressed.

Standards of Conduct

It is expected that students will conform to all regulations and policies of the University and classes in which they are registered (see Academic Conduct), including those concerning procedure and conduct in the Loyola/Notre Dame Library. Students are responsible for honoring all University standards of classroom civility, academic integrity, and general campus conduct, including in-class use of technology, as published in the current Loyola University Maryland Community Standards, and as communicated by the course instructor. Students must also abide by all international, federal, state, and local laws. The Office of Student Life is the proponent of approved policies and rules of the Student Code of Conduct.

Violations are reported by students, faculty, campus police, or any member of the Loyola community. These reports are directed to the Office of Student Life. The associate director of student life or designee shall then hear the case or refer the case to a hearing officer or panel. The appeal process for such decisions is published in the Community Standards.

Warnings, restrictions on social and other activities, fines, suspensions, and dismissals are used in cases involving violations of University regulations. Students who are placed on disciplinary suspension by the University will not be granted transfer credit for courses taken at other institutions during the suspension period. Particulars concerning violations, the conduct process, and sanctions that may be imposed, can be found in the Community Standards.

Academic Conduct

Loyola University Maryland is dedicated not only to learning and the advancement of knowledge but also to the development of ethically sensitive, socially responsible people. The University seeks to accomplish these goals through a sound educational program and its policies for encouraging maturity, independence, and appropriate conduct among its students and faculty within the University community. It is the responsibility of faculty and students alike to maintain the academic integrity of the University in all respects.

The faculty is responsible for establishing the rules for all work in a course, for the conduct of examinations, and for the security of tests, papers, and laboratories associated with courses and programs of the University. Faculty will remind students at the first meeting of each class of the standards of behavior and conduct for the class. The instructor will also make every effort to discourage dishonesty in any form. Faculty members are encouraged to make use of the Honor Code pledge on all scheduled tests, papers, and other assignments and are strongly encouraged to include a statement indicating support for the Honor Code on the course syllabus.

To ensure an effective and productive teaching and learning environment for all, the University expects every student to behave with integrity in all matters relating to both the academic and social aspects of the University community. This includes maintaining respect for classroom and other learning communities, appropriate participation in the learning process, upholding the Honor Code, and ensuring the rights of others in all campus settings. Refer to the Community Standards for additional information.

Honor Code

The Honor Code states that all undergraduate students of the Loyola community will conduct themselves honestly on all academic matters. The goal of the Code is to foster a suitable atmosphere for learning. In order to achieve this goal, every student must be committed to the pursuit of academic honor and its responsibilities. Students who are truthful on all academic matters and who submit academic work that is the product of their own minds demonstrate respect for themselves and the community in which they study, as well as a commitment to Jesuit education. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the Code which is published in the Community Standards.

Faculty members witnessing a breach of the Code must inform the student in a timely manner of the alleged infraction and assign any academic sanctions they deem appropriate for the offense. Following this, and no later than 30 days after informing the student of the alleged violation, faculty must report the infraction in writing, using the Honor Code Violation Report form, to the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies. Students who witness a violation of the Honor Code also must report the alleged infraction to the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies.

Students found in violation of the Honor Code will be appropriately reprimanded in the belief that they will, with the support of their peers, learn from the mistake. In most instances, a first violation of the Honor Code results in an academic sanction, such as failure of the course, and may also include an educational sanction determined by a hearing council of the student's peers. For exceptionally serious cases, however, the hearing council may recommend stronger sanctions. A subsequent violation of the Code usually results in suspension or dismissal from the University.

The Honor Council is an elected body of Loyola students entrusted with the tasks of educating the campus community on the importance of honor and hearing cases that involve an alleged violation of the Honor Code. More information on the Honor Code can be found on the University's website, www.loyola.edu/academics/honor-code.aspx.

Intellectual Honesty

Students assume a duty to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to the University's mission as an institution of higher learning. Their first obligation is to pursue conscientiously the academic objectives which they have set. This means that students will do their own work and avoid any possibility of misrepresenting anyone else's work as their own. "The act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts, or passages of his writing, of the ideas, or the language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one's own mind" (Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition) constitutes "plagiarism." Although academic disciplines may differ in the manner in which sources are cited, some principles apply across disciplines. In general, any ideas, words, or phrases that appear in another source must be acknowledged at the point at which they are incorporated into a student's work.

The student's second obligation is not to engage in acts of cheating. "Cheating" is using unauthorized assistance or material or giving unauthorized assistance or material for the use of another in such a way that work or knowledge which is not the student's own is represented as being so. Avoiding cheating involves refusing to give or receive assistance from other students, books, notes (unless specifically permitted by the instructor) on course tests, papers, laboratory reports or computer programs. Particulars concerning the kinds of violations, review procedures, and sanctions that may be imposed, may be found in the Honor Code section of the Community Standards or on the University's website, www.loyola.edu/academics/honor-code.

Alcoholic Beverages

All purchasing and consumption of any alcoholic beverage is regulated by the Maryland state law to persons of 21 years of age or older. Loyola University Maryland complies with this state law.

Individual students are prohibited from bringing any alcoholic beverages into any buildings on campus other than exceptions which are noted in the Community Standards. University organizations, approved by the Office of Student Activities, may dispense beer or wine at scheduled events in certain designated areas.

New Student Orientation

New student orientation is a program for first-year and transfer students which aids in the transition to the academic and social life of the University. The orientation staff sponsors a variety of programs and events during the summer and throughout the academic year.  These events assist new students in developing the following: a better understanding of the value of a Jesuit, liberal arts education; the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the classroom; an appreciation for the learning which takes place from participation in cocurricular programs and activities; and meaningful relationships with other students and members of the faculty, staff, and administration.

All first-year students entering in the fall semester are expected to participate in one of the orientation programs offered during the summer months. Parents of new students are also encouraged to attend these summer sessions to help them better understand the Loyola experience. First-year students attend fall welcome weekend just prior to the first week of classes, and they receive ongoing support from the Evergreens, a group of peer leaders, throughout the academic year.

Students who transfer to Loyola, whether in the fall or in January, also attend an orientation prior to the start of classes. This program is a condensed, one-day program with helpful sessions and a chance to meet other transfer students. Questions about orientation should be directed to the Office of Student Engagement, 410‑617‑2032.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The members of the SGA provide leadership within the student body, provide social and academic services for students, and represent the student body outside the University. The SGA is committed to enriching students' sense of community by encouraging interaction and individual development. The Executive Cabinet of the SGA consists of the president, two vice-presidents, four elected class presidents, and ten appointed members. The Assembly consists of a number of elected and appointed representatives from each class year that work with their respective Class President as well as the Vice President of Social Affairs and the Director of Programming to plan class events and initiatives. The Senate consists of three elected students from each class year who work with the Vice President of Policy to advocate for policy issues, and other issues pertaining to the student body. SGA offices are located within the Office of Student Activities (Student Center East, Room 311).

Green Books

A custom-made examination book called the Green Book was created by the SGA in 1991 as a service to the Loyola community. The use of these books bearing the University seal and its motto, Strong Truths Well Lived, emphasizes respect for honesty in academics. Green Books are individually numbered and are unavailable to students prior to their distribution at the exam. Questions regarding the Green Books should be referred to the SGA Director of Academic Affairs.

Student Activities

Loyola University Maryland encourages cocurricular activities which contribute to the academic, social, cultural, spiritual, and recreational growth and development of the student. These activities are an integral part of the life of the collegiate community. They should contribute to its objectives and goals but remain subordinate to them. All students are urged to participate in one or several activities, but are advised to participate only to the extent that their academic progress is not impeded.

The Office of Student Activities coordinates "Late Night," a program offering social, cultural, and athletic programs for students on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights; and Family Weekend, an annual tradition offering a weekend of special events for Loyola undergraduate students and their family members. Student Activities oversees OPTIONS, a student organization that plans weekend social events; oversees SuperFans, a student organization charged with promoting school spirit related to University athletic events; and oversees and advises the Student Government Association. Student Activities is also a resource to students involved in student clubs and organizations as they work toward accomplishing club goals and developing leadership skills.

Loyola University Maryland does not recognize or approve, as pertaining to the University, any organized activity of its students to which a faculty or administrator moderator has not been appointed. Loyola University Maryland does not give official recognition to social sororities and fraternities. Students who may wish to join private associations take on the responsibility of insuring that Loyola University Maryland not be identified with such groups in any way. Such students are advised that they must take full responsibility, including financial and legal liability, should such liability be involved.

The Office of Student Activities (Student Center East, Room 311) is a valuable source of information concerning student events and organizations. For more information about student activities, including a list of student clubs and organizations, visit http://www.loyola.edu/department/student-activities.

Evergreen Players Productions

Evergreen Players Productions are designed and directed by the Fine Arts Department faculty and theatre professionals. Three productions are presented in McManus Theatre or the department's black box theatre each season. Recent productions include Cabaret, The Importance of Being Earnest, Titus Andronicus, and Waiting for Godot. Auditions for all productions are open to the entire College community. For those who seek experience behind the scenes, the theatre program offers opportunities to participate in stage crew, set construction, lighting, sound, publicity, costumes, and makeup.

Music Ensembles

The Fine Arts Department offers a number of music ensembles that are open by audition to all Loyola students. Vocalists may participate in several choral groups (the University Singers and the Repertory Choir), or enroll in Scenes for Singers. Instrumentalists may elect ensembles in classical guitar, jazz, a smaller jazz combo, steel pan, or chamber music. Ensembles meet weekly and perform concerts each semester. All students may receive credit for these courses (two semesters of an ensemble is equal to one, three-credit course), and participation in one or more ensembles is required of music majors and minors.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Loyola is a member of the Patriot League in all sports and a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), competing on the NCAA Division I level. The University fields teams in 18 intercollegiate sports: men's and women's basketball, cross country, lacrosse, rowing, soccer, swimming and diving, and tennis; men's golf; women's indoor and outdoor track; and women's volleyball.

The intercollegiate athletics program at Loyola provides a climate where student-athletes are encouraged to achieve their full academic potential while developing excellent athletic skills in highly competitive sports. Each year, the teams win or compete for conference championships, and student-athletes consistently receive athletic and academic recognition at the national, regional, and conference levels.

Athletic facilities at Loyola include the 2,100-seat Reitz Arena, home to the Greyhounds basketball and volleyball teams. The arena is housed within the DeChiaro College Center. The Rev. Harold Ridley, S.J., Athletic Complex is home to the lacrosse and soccer teams. The 6,000-seat, state-of-the-art facility opened in March 2010 and is one of the finest of its type in the nation. The swimming and diving programs take advantage of an Olympic-size pool in the Mangione Aquatic Center within the Fitness and Aquatic Center (FAC). The McClure Tennis Center at Ridley Athletic Complex opened in April 2015, giving the tennis program a fantastic eight-court, lighted facility. The track and field team trains and competes at the Johns Hopkins/Loyola Track and Field Complex near the Baltimore Campus.

Recreational Sports

The Department of Recreational Sports is an essential component of the Division of Student Development and the overall mission of the University. The primary emphasis of the department is grounded in the Jesuit ideal of cura personalis (care of the whole person). The department of recreational sports is committed to cultivating the whole person by providing an array of recreation opportunities in an educational, social, and supportive environment. To this end, it offers quality programs and service-oriented facility operations which foster healthy lifestyles for the Loyola community.

The Fitness and Aquatic Center (FAC) is a state-of the-art, 115,000 square-foot recreational facility located just one block north of the Charles Street Bridge. The facility features:

  • Mangione Aquatic Center housing a ten-lane, 25-yard-long swim course, shallow lane, and diving well, as well as an on-deck sauna and whirlpool;
  • 6,000 square-foot weight room housing the latest in strength training and cardiovascular conditioning equipment;
  • three-court gymnasium, including a multiactivity court (MAC);
  • equipment room;
  • outdoor adventure center;
  • indoor rock climbing wall;
  • three racquetball and two squash courts;
  • elevated walking and jogging track;
  • two group exercise studios offering a variety of free classes;
  • 2200 square-foot functional training space;
  • outdoor grass field;
  • full-service locker rooms;
  • classrooms, conference rooms, and the department's administrative offices.

All full-time, undergraduate students are members and only need to present their valid Loyola ID card upon entrance to the facility. Hours during the fall and spring semesters are:

Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.

Friday 6 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Sunday 1 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.

The department also offers a robust, club sports program, group exercise classes, intramural sports, and outdoor adventure wilderness trips, as well as non-credit instructional classes and student employment opportunities. Detailed program descriptions and employment applications are available online. For more information on Recreational Sports or the FAC, call 410‑617‑5453 or visit www.loyola.edu/recsports.


Academic Advising and Support Center

The Academic Advising and Support Center (Maryland Hall 138) supports the academic progress of undergraduate students in a variety of ways. The Center's administrators facilitate the initial registration of first-year and transfer students. They also serve as a resource for the Messina and major advisors who work with students throughout their undergraduate career. The Center supplements the information and assistance provided by the Messina or major advisor.

The Center supports the declaration of major, change of major, course registration, course withdrawal, and graduation clearance processes. The Center's administrators assist students in understanding their degree requirements through graduation. In addition, guidance is provided for part-time and transfer students, students with learning disabilities, and students on who are academically at-risk. For more information, visit www.loyola.edu/department/aasc.aspx.

Academic Affairs

The Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for the quality of all academic programs at Loyola University Maryland. Academic excellence is instilled in the programs through an excellent faculty and the curricula developed by these faculty. The Office of Academic Affairs hires the faculty, facilitates program development, and encourages the delivery of a rigorous, diverse, and intellectual curriculum as prescribed by the Jesuit tradition.


The University's academic diversity initiatives are coordinated by the associate vice president for faculty affairs and diversity. The office assists the Vice President for Academic Affairs in faculty recruitment and development, faculty retention, and diversity activities, generally. Specifically, the office provides leadership by offering workshops; coordinating informative and challenging speakers series; and by working closely with deans, faculty, and staff "to challenge students to learn, lead, and serve in a diverse and changing world." As part of the office's efforts to support curricular change and professional development for faculty, the associate vice president for faculty affairs and diversity works closely with faculty to manage the development of courses that meet the undergraduate diversity course graduation requirement.

Administrative Office Hours

Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Some offices have hours which begin earlier and/or close later. Check the department's schedule prior to coming on campus. If necessary, appointments may be arranged at other times.

ALANA Services

The Department of ALANA (African, Latino, Asian, Native American) Services offer services to enhance the educational experience and foster the academic success for diverse students at Loyola. The department works with the Office of Admission and academic departments to assist in the recruitment and retention of diverse students who may identify as first generation college students, demonstrate significant financial need, and/or come from diverse backgrounds. In addition, the department promotes diversity and inclusion initiatives to support the increasing diversity of the student body.


The Baltimore Campus bookstore (410‑617‑2291) is located in the building adjacent to Diane Geppi-Akins field. In addition to new and used textbooks, the bookstore offers rentals and e-books. The store has a wide selection of Loyola clothing and gifts, general reading books, school supplies, greeting cards, health and beauty aids, and snacks. The store also offers special orders for any book in print, the latest software titles at academic prices, and custom gifts. Students may sell their textbooks back to the bookstore for cash at any time, the best time being during finals week. For updated information, visit www.loyola.bncollege.com.

Campus Ministry

The mission of Campus Ministry is to invite and foster both explicit and implicit awareness of the University's Catholic spiritual heritage and Jesuit mission among all members of the Loyola community, focusing in a special way on the undergraduate population. In carrying out this mission, we draw on our faith, presence, skills, and experience to engage people through word and example in caring, conversation, collaboration, and community building. Our programs offer diverse opportunities for prayer, meditation, worship, reflection, sharing and discussion on experiences of faith, spirituality, belief in God and Jesus Christ, and the deeper levels of life's meaning. The office, located in Cohn Hall, is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Staff members are available during these hours as well as evenings and weekends, when needed; informal drop-ins are welcomed and encouraged. For the most current information on Campus Ministry hours, programs, worship schedule, and activities, visit www.loyola.edu/campusministry.

The Career Center

The Career Center at Loyola University Maryland serves every student and alumni in discovering a fulfilling career path, preparing to present your best self to the world, and maximizing available resources to achieve your goals. The center is located in the DeChiaro College Center, West Wing W002 (main entrance faces Maryland Hall); phone: 410‑617‑2232; email: thecareercenter@loyola.edu; website: www.loyola.edu/careercenter.  For further information, see this heading under Academic Programs and Career Opportunities .

Center for Community Service and Justice

Loyola's Center for Community Service and Justice (CCSJ) connects campus and community for a more just and equitable world.

Inspired by Loyola's Jesuit Catholic educational mission and identity that calls for a dynamic integration of academic excellence, social responsibility, and faith that does justice, CCSJ is committed to reciprocal collaboration with community partners and to involvement with people who are marginalized.  CCSJ aspires to place a shared emphasis on the engagement of Loyola students and faculty and the pursuit of positive community impact in Loyola's immediate York Road neighborhoods, throughout Baltimore City, and the world. This mission flows from the heart of the educational and spiritual traditions of both the Society of Jesus and the Religious Sisters of Mercy. Service opportunities are available throughout the year and are open to all students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Individuals may participate in service on a weekly basis through The Service Thing, through a week-long immersion program including Spring Break Outreach, or through a one-time Houndserve event.  CCSJ also fosters community-engaged learning through courses, including service-learning.  Service-learning courses, which integrate on-going service experiences into the course content, can be located in WebAdvisor. Other types of community engagement in courses can include group service, one-time or limited-time group service or service projects, advocacy activities, or educational engagement with community members and partners either in or out of the classroom.  Participants are encouraged to consider carefully the time they have available for service and the specific community with whom they would like to work. Both full-time staff and student interns are available to assist persons in finding the right "fit". Each experience includes preparation prior to and reflection/critical analysis following the service. For information on how to get involved in service, call 410‑617‑2380 or visit www.loyola.edu/ccsj/.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center supports the academic mission of the University by providing services and programs that help students achieve their educational goals. College students are challenged to manage academic stress as well as a number of developmental issues during their academic careers. In addition, some students experience personal or family crises that interfere with their ability to achieve academically. It is the center's goal to offer a range of services to enable students to attain their educational, personal, and career goals.

Comprehensive services are designed to address a range of issues including adjustment to college, stress management, anxiety, coping with loss and grief, relationships, depression, body image, and various other mental health concerns. Students may talk privately with a counselor, participate in a group, and/or attend educational workshops. The staff is also a resource to the Loyola community and will provide consultations and skill-building workshops on a range of topics including stress management, and group dynamics. The center's website (www.loyola.edu/counselingcenter) contains information on a range of topics related to specific counseling issues, relaxation resources, and training opportunities, and is updated with timely information for the community as needed.

The center is staffed by licensed clinicians with specialized training in college student issues, counseling, and psychology. A part-time psychiatrist is also available. Individual counseling is short-term; however, students can be referred to outside resources for longer-term therapy. Students are encouraged to participate in the many confidential groups offered regularly.

Students are encouraged to visit the center in the event of a personal crisis or schedule an appointment to discuss questions or issues with a counselor. Information disclosed by the student is considered private and confidential. The center is located in the Humanities Center, Room 150. Appointments may be made by calling, 410‑617‑CARE (2273). The center is accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS).

Dining Services

Loyola Dining is proud to serve only the freshest, made-from-scratch foods to the Loyola community through a variety of venues around campus.

Boulder Garden Cafe is located in the Andrew White Student Center and features the Greyhound Grille, Bravissimo, the Daily Dish, the Boulder Deli, Market Fresh Salads, Fresh Stock Soups, The Loyola Diner, and 1852 Pizza. The Cafe offers à la carte dining for breakfast and lunch, and all you care to eat dining for dinner. Also in the Student Center you will find Taqueria, serving your Mexican favorites, and Green Peel for fresh juices and smoothies. Cold Spring Sushi offers made-to-order sushi and sashimi, and Starbucks is always a favorite among the Loyola community.

The Sellinger School of Business and Management houses the Sellinger Cafe.This cart features gourmet coffee, salads, wraps, fruit, snacks, and fresh baked goods.

Flannery Market, located in Flannery O'Conner Hall, offers convenience essentials as well as grab-and-go snacks and sandwiches.

Iggy's Market is located in the ground floor of Newman Towers. Iggy's features the Boulder Deli, Market Fresh Salads, Fresh Stock, Loyola Diner, 1852 Pizza, freshly baked desserts and treats, and a variety of convenience items. Also in Newman Tower, Night Hound provides late night dining to the West side of campus.

For more information about dining services, please call 410‑617‑5824 or visit www.loyola.edu/dining.

Disability Support Services

Disability Support Services' mission is to assist students with disabilities so they have equal opportunity to participate in all Loyola programs and activities. The DSS staff coordinates and arranges accommodations and supports to ensure Loyola programs and activities are accessible. Additionally, DSS advocates for improved access and to eliminate barriers of any type (e.g., physical, programmatic, attitudinal, or electronic).

On a case-by-case basis, DSS reviews documentation of disability, recommends classroom and/or residential accommodations, and coordinates supports. Examples of common accommodations include alternative arrangements for tests, note-takers, reading material in alternative format, flexibility with class attendance, sign language interpreters, adaptive equipment, housing modifications, and parking assistance.

A student must self-identify and register with DSS by completing a DSS registration form, provide documentation of disability, and attend an intake meeting. Documentation must meet the University's guidelines, and information is confidentially housed in the DSS office.

DSS is located in Newman Towers West, Room 107. To schedule an appointment, students may call 410‑617‑2062/5137/2750 or email mwiedefeld@loyola.edu or mmhenry@loyola.edu. For more information, visit www.loyola.edu/dss.

International Student Services

The Office of International Student Services (OISS) assists international undergraduate, graduate, and exchange students at the prospective, current, and postgraduate levels in areas such as immigration, maintaining legal status, visas, travel, academics, employment, cultural adjustment, and personal/social matters and concerns. A New International Student Orientation program is offered each semester. In addition, the office periodically organizes social events and trips, providing international students with the opportunity to explore areas outside of Baltimore and meet other Loyola students.

The role of OISS also includes serving as the primary liaison for university departments, governmental (federal, state, and local) agencies, and community contacts that work with international students. The office is authorized by the Department of Homeland Security to issue immigration documents for all incoming F-1 international students.

OISS is located in the Humanities Center, First Floor, Suite 141. The Office is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Students may call 410-617-5245 to schedule an appointment.

Loyola/Notre Dame Library

Students are encouraged to make extensive use of the library and its resources. The library's website (www.loyola.edu/library) serves as a gateway to a variety of resources. A service called Seeker enables students to conduct a single search to find books, articles, and other resources on a topic. Students have access to numerous databases, including Literature Resource Center, Lexis-Nexis Academic, PsycINFO, Business Source Premier, Philosopher's Index, ATLA (religion), ERIC (education), Academic Search Complete, ScienceDirect and others.  The Library also provides access to full-text articles from over 55,000 journals, streaming media, and print materials. Research guides in a wide range of disciplines and topics provide students with links to many online resources. Students can access these resources in the Library, on campus, or off campus by using their Loyola username and password.

The Library is a member of the University System of Maryland & Affiliated Institutions (USMAI).  This membership provides access to over 9 million items located at the 17 USMAI libraries located throughout the state.  Items from these libraries are usually available within 2 days of placing a request.  The library is also a member of EAST (Eastern Academic Scholars Trust), a collaborative that provides access to over 6 million books.  Requests for articles placed through our Interlibrary Loan system are often available with 24 hours.  Some items may take longer depending on where the requested item is located.

Librarians in the Research/Instruction Department assist students in selecting, searching, evaluating, and citing various information sources. Students can ask questions by phone, email, 24/7 chat, or instant messaging. Books and articles not owned by the library can usually be acquired through interlibrary loan within 24 hours. Customer Services Department staff are available to assist with reserve materials and copying/printing facilities. Many reserve readings are available electronically on the library's website.

The library building features several high-tech classrooms, a digital media/adaptive technology lab, a 96-seat auditorium, a screening room, and a variety of seating areas for individual or group study. Computers are located on all four floors. Hours of operation are posted on the library's website.

The Office of Student Support and Wellness Promotion (SSWP)

The Office of Student Support and Wellness Promotion (SSWP) facilitates student retention within the Jesuit tradition of cura personalis.

SSWP is committed to supporting students who face significant personal and substance use related challenges by providing opportunities for spiritual, emotional, physical, educational, professional and social growth.

SSWP helps students leverage available resources and stay focused on their success by initiating and sustaining collaborative relationships with our community partners.

SSWP promotes progress by offering individual support services to students who may need assistance with navigating the complexity of college life; are contemplating a leave of absence; or who have returned from a leave of absence. The office also provides individual and group counseling for students who wish to address their own substance use or the use of a loved one as well as support for students who are in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction.

The office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5pm. We are located on the west side of campus in Seton Court 02B. For more information or to make an appointment please call the office at: 410-617-2928.

First-Year Student Online Education

Think About It is a two-hour, on-line education course that uses the latest prevention techniques and science-based research. Focusing on minimizing risks associated with alcohol, drugs, and sexual violence, Think About It takes a harm-reduction approach that resonates with students and results in a healthy campus culture. The University considers completion of this course to be so important that all first-year students are required to complete the course during the summer before they enter the residence halls in the fall. Information about the course and the completion deadlines is distributed to first-year students and their families at the new student summer orientation sessions and by email throughout the summer. For further information, contact SSWP at 410-617-2928 or zthitchens@loyola.edu.

Substance Free Housing
Housing for students choosing to live in an alcohol and other drug free environment is available to students willing to make such a commitment. This housing option is not limited to students in recovery. For further information, call the associate director of student life, 410-617-5081.


All students are required to register their vehicles with the University. Students must bring a copy of their vehicle registration to Student Administrative Services and complete a parking permit application. A sticker or hang tag indicating parking lot designations is issued. Free shuttle service is available to all areas of the campus.

Resident Students

The University offers convenience and satellite parking to upper-class resident students. First-year resident students are not permitted to bring a vehicle to campus. Convenience and satellite parking is available at the residence halls on the east and west sides of campus, the North Campus lot, and the York Road lot at a cost of $500 per year. Parking is determined by seniority with a lottery.

Commuter Students

The University offers convenience and satellite parking to commuter students. Satellite parking is available at the North Campus lot at a cost of $125 per year. Convenience parking is available at the Newman Towers lot at a cost of $325 per year. Commuter convenience parking hang tags do not permit overnight parking. Any student who wishes to park overnight must purchase a student satellite parking permit at a cost of $500 per year. Parking is determined by seniority with a lottery.

Post Office

The Post Office - Stamp It! is located in the building adjacent to Diane Geppi-Akins field. Students can purchase stamps, send faxes, and mail packages via the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, or Federal Express. Hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, with package pick up until 5:30 p.m. Stamp It! accepts cash, Evergreen, and credit cards for payment.

Records Office

The Records Office (Maryland Hall 141) provides services during the following hours:

Monday - Thursday 7 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

For online information regarding registration, graduation, degree audit, student services, course offerings, forms, calendars, and other helpful links, visit www.loyola.edu/records.

Student Administrative Services

Student Administrative Services (Maryland Hall) provides services Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit www.loyola.edu/department/financialservices/sas.

Student Health and Education Services

The Student Health Center provides outpatient care during the academic year. It is located at 4502-A Seton Court; hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays. After-hours medical care is provided by Sinai Hospital, 410‑583‑9396.

For an appointment, call 410-617-5055. For additional information, you may visit the Student Health Services website at www.loyola.edu/department/studenthealth.

The Study

The Study provides academic support services, including a variety of study skills workshops, a nationally-certified peer tutoring program, one-on-one academic counseling, and time management and organization coaching. The Study is located on the third floor of Jenkins Hall. For more information, visit www.loyola.edu/thestudy.

Technology Services

Loyola students have access to the Student Technology Center (STC), which is responsible for the management and oversight of all student interaction with Loyola's technology. The STC offers hardware and software support for student owned computers. Students with technology questions or concerns can reach the STC by phone, 410‑617‑5555; email, ots@loyola.edu; or in person, Knott Hall 003.

Some technology highlights include:

  • Inside.Loyola, an online campus portal for the Loyola community that offers access to student news, web-hosted software, email, and campus communications.
  • Student email accounts powered by Microsoft Office 365. Students can access Loyola email by going to http://houndmail.loyola.edu, Microsoft Outlook or Outlook on the web through the Inside Loyola portal. Loyola email features include address books, calendaring, SPAM control, and online storage through Microsoft OneDrive for Business.
  • Moodle, the course management system students use for their academic work. Moodle is accessible through the Inside Loyola portal.
  • Smart Printing is a campus print/copy/scan service where a student can print documents from his/her computer, and pick them up at any Smart Printing device on campus by swiping his/her Loyola ID. Each semester at Loyola, students are issued a $15 print credit toward their printing needs. Once these credits are depleted, a student's Evergreen account is charged for printouts.
  • Wireless internet service is available in all residence halls and in all academic buildings. Technology Services recommends that students connect to Loyola's encrypted Wi-Fi network (HoundNet-Stud).
  • Cable television service is available to all residential students.
  • General purpose computer labs are located on the Baltimore Campus in various academic buildings and residence halls, as well as the Columbia and Timonium Campuses. Most labs have 24-hour access via the Loyola ID card. Labs may contain PCs, Macs, and printers.

To learn more about the technology resources available, visit www.loyola.edu/ots/newstudent.

The Writing Center

The Loyola Writing Center supports undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff. Trained peer and faculty tutors work with writers at all stages of the writing process, including brainstorming, researching, outlining, drafting, and revising. All types of writing are welcome: academic work from any discipline, professional writing, self-sponsored writing, and creative writing. Students have a variety of options: one-to-one writing tutoring sessions, writing workshops, and writing groups. The center is located in Maryland Hall 057. For appointment and contact information, visit www.loyola.edu/department/writingcenter.