2019-2020 Graduate Academic Catalogue 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Education

Dean: Joshua S. Smith, Professor
Office: Xavier Hall
Telephone: 410‑617‑5343
Website: www.loyola.edu/soe

Associate Dean: Robert J. Helfenbein, Associate Professor
Office: Xavier Hall
Telephone: 410‑617‑5377

Graduate Department Chairs
Education Specialties: David Marcovitz, Associate Professor
Teacher Education: Afra Ahmed Hersi, Associate Professor

Graduate Program Directors
Curriculum and Instruction: Stephanie Flores-Koulish
Educational Leadership: Peter R. Litchka
Educational Technology: Kelly Keane
Kodály Music Education: Lauren McDougle
Literacy: Wendy M. Smith, Leah K. Saal
Montessori Education: Jack H. Rice
Master of Arts in Teaching: Melissa Mulieri
School Counseling: Jennifer Scaturo Watkinson

Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola
Director of AMI Training (Elementary Level):
Jamie Rue
Director of AMI Training (Primary Level): Janet R. McDonell and Jennifer Shield

Professors: Victor R. Delclos (emeritus); Peter R. Litchka; Robert J. Helfenbein; Cheryl Moore-Thomas; Lee J. Richmond (emerita); Beatrice E. Sarlos (emerita); Joshua S. Smith; Wendy M. Smith
Associate Professors: Stephanie A. Flores-Koulish; Margarita Gomez; Afra A. Hersi; David Marcovitz; Elana E. Rock; Qi Shi; Jennifer Watkinson
Assistant Professors: Ramon B. Goings; Marie Heath; Camika Royal; Leah K. Saal
Senior Lecturer: Kelly Keane
Lecturers: Irene Bal; Adell Cothorne; Loretta Holmberg-Masden; Regina Massella; John Savard S.J.; Myra Smith; Jennifer Zwillenberg
Educator in Residence: Yun-Dih Chia-Smith; Peggi Hunter
Clinical Assistant Professor: Gayle Cicero
Clinical Instructors: Laura Alpaugh; Adell Cothorne; Melissa Mulieri; Stacy Williams; James Wolgamott; Angela Gerstein; Jennifer Shields
Division Director of Literacy (Loyola Clinical Centers): Kristina Collins
Coordinator of Clinical Experiences (School Counseling): Jill Minor
Affiliate Faculty: Sarah W. Andrews; Jessica Bernacki; Joen Bettmann; James Blumhardt; James Bowyer; Antoinette Carr; Brian Cook; Nicolas D'Ambrosio; Ashley Davis; Cristina De Leon; Patrick Dempsey; Patricia Drummond; Gabriele Edwards; Abbe Epstein; Samantha Filipiak; Angela Ford; Rebecca Foster; Diana Healy; Nicholas G. Hobar; Elise Huneke-Stone; Natalie Janiszewski; James Javorsky; Addie Kaufman; Kary Kontz; Taisha Laurent; Nancy Lechner; Susan Love; Gregory MacDonald; Lucia Martin; Jason McCoy; Judith McKeever; Gordon Michaloski; Silvia Montanaro; Akiintunde Morakinyo; Karen Murphy; Jenny Obrebska; Naoko Ogawa; Judith A. Orion; Katherine Orlando; Jennifer Peduzzi; Kerry L. Raup; David Robb; Jack Rice; Colleen Roux; Darla Sinclair; Sedrick Smith; Nancy Staley; Francois Suhr; Troy Todd; Allyn S. Travis; Anne Velasco; Theresa Webster; Kaitlyn Weinberger; Amy Weishaar; Arthur Williams; Darryl Williams; Naoko O. Wilsey; Monique Yates

The Reverend Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., former Superior General of the Society of Jesus, has described the goal of Jesuit education with the following words: "We aim to form...men and women of competence, conscience, and compassionate commitment." In recognition of its connection to the Jesuit mission of the Loyola community, the School of Education has adopted the three words, Competence, Conscience, Compassion as the foundation for its conceptual framework.

These words capture the goals that the School of Education sets for its students and form the organizing structure for its learning outcomes. The division's conceptual framework states that it envisions an extensive learning community grounded in the values of our Jesuit mission, informed by a learner-centered model of instruction, and seeking to cultivate education leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion.

Mission and Educational Objectives

Within the Jesuit traditions of intellectual excellence, social justice, ethical responsibility, and cura personalis, the School of Education promotes leadership and scholarship in the development of teachers, counselors, administrators, and other educators.

The School of Education offers programs leading to a Postbaccalaureate Certificate (PBC), Master of Arts (MA), Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Master of Education (MEd), Post-Master's Certificate (PMC), and the Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS). These programs are designed to advance the study of education as an academic discipline and to further the professional development of teachers, administrators, and other educational personnel in public and independent schools.

Graduate programs in the School of Education are committed to the following university-wide graduate learning goals that embrace the core values and principles inherent in Loyola's mission:

Master Knowledge and Skills

  • Master the skills, methods, and knowledge appropriate to the discipline
  • Synthesize knowledge using interdisciplinary approaches
  • Acquire the tools to continue professional development and lifelong learning

Think Critically

  • Access, analyze, and evaluate information effectively
  • Disseminate and communicate information effectively

Manifest Leadership and Social Responsibility in the Workplace and Community

  • Understand and value individual differences and have the skills for working effectively in a diverse and changing world
  • Comprehend the ethical principles appropriate to the discipline, have the ability to identify ethical dilemmas, and understand the frameworks for selecting and defending a right course of action
  • Contribute professionally and personally to the broader community
  • Consider issues of justice in making decisions


The School of Education has met all of the components of the Maryland Institutional Performance Criteria and is fully approved by the Maryland State Department of Education (200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201) to offer undergraduate and graduate programs. This approval covers initial teacher preparation programs and advanced educator programs. However, the approval does not include individual education courses that the institution offers to P-12 educators for professional development, relicensure, or other purposes.

Admission Criteria

The School of Education seeks graduates from accredited institutions of higher learning who demonstrate significant academic ability. A minimum QPA of 3.000 in undergraduate work or a master's degree from an accredited institution is required for full acceptance. Probationary acceptance may be granted for applicants with a QPA between 2.750 and 3.000. Letters of recommendation, standardized tests, or a personal interview may be required.

Applicants for the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) are required to submit evidence of a passing score (based on the Maryland cutoff level) on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) Tests (Reading, Math, and Writing) or Praxis I: Pre-Professional Skills Tests. Consistent with new regulations for teacher certification set forth by the state of Maryland, qualifying scores on the SAT, ACT, or GRE may be substituted for Praxis Core or Praxis I performance (please refer to http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/ for details on Basic Skills). In addition, applicants to the MAT program must have an undergraduate degree with a major or significant coursework in the desired certification area.

Applicant's transcripts will be reviewed to determine if content area qualifications are met for the type of certification sought. In particular, candidates for elementary certification must meet course requirements in English, math, science, and social studies. For certification in secondary teaching in grades 7-12, a major and/or 27-30 credits in the area of certification are required. Secondary education certification programs focusing on grades 7-12 are offered in biology, chemistry, earth/space science, English, mathematics, physics, and social studies. For certification in grades PK-12, a major and/or 27-30 credits in the area of certification are required. Grades PK-12 certification programs are offered in art, French, music (both instrumental and vocal), and Spanish.

A transcript analysis determines the content area prerequisites you may be required to complete in addition to the MAT program coursework. A full list of required prerequisites courses can be found on the elementary or secondary education program pages. Students missing no more than three prerequisite courses may be admitted conditionally to the part-time program. These courses are taken outside of Loyola and must be completed by the end of your second semester in the program. Students are encouraged to take the courses at your local community college.

Master of Arts in Teaching candidates may submit acceptable College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores to satisfy up to 6 prerequisite credits. Exams may not duplicate courses on candidates' transcripts.

Education candidates must meet the knowledge, skills, and disposition standards as set forth by The School of Education's national accrediting body. Candidates will be assessed by faculty at two transition points before Internship I or Practicum I to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and to recommend continuation in the program. Candidates who fail to meet these standards will have a Professional Assessment Form filed with the department chair by a Loyola faculty member. The resulting Professional Assessment Review may result in removal from the program and/or internship for the protection of both the Loyola student and the K-12 students. Complete details of this procedure are available in the student handbook.

Detailed admission information (application procedures, required documents, deadlines, etc.) can be found under Admission.

Live Text

All candidates are required to purchase and use LiveText. LiveText is a web-based software application used by the School of Education for key assignment submission, artifact collection, accreditation standard integration, and student assessment in initial licensure and advanced programs. LiveText accounts can be purchased at the Loyola bookstore or online (www.livetext.com). In addition, all current candidates taking a course that requires a LiveText assignment must purchase a membership. Using LiveText software throughout the standards-based programs allows candidates to align work with the latest state and federal standards for teacher education programs. Candidates can easily document completion of certification requirements. LiveText allows candidates to showcase their work (worksheets, lesson plans, and other artifacts) at their own discretion to future employers and others. In addition, this software provides powerful tools for creating lesson and unit plans, including built-in standards, resources, and templates.

Fingerprinting and Criminal Background Checks

Many of the field, practicum, and internship sites now require candidates placed in their facilities to submit fingerprints and criminal background checks before they are allowed to begin their placement. The School of Education will assist candidates in meeting this requirement before they begin their field placements. Any candidate not cleared by this process will not be eligible to complete a certification program.

Credits Required

Requirements for each degree and program are specified within the description for that program.

Waivers by Substitution

Any specific course requirement may be waived by a student's advisor based upon prior completion of graduate coursework in the same content area. The student must request a waiver in writing. The advisor's written approval will be sent to the student and the Records Office. In the event a course requirement is waived, an elective course must be substituted in its place. No more than three courses may be waived in any graduate program.

Nondegree Students

Nondegree students admitted to the School of Education are limited to enrollment in eleven graduate credits before deciding to pursue a master's degree, postbaccalaureate certification, or certificate of advanced study. Nondegree students who wish to take courses in the school counseling program must email the director of graduate programs for permission prior to registration. Priority will be given to master's degree students. Nondegree students who wish to pursue a master's degree, certification, or certificate of advanced study must reapply to the specific program of interest. Courses taken as a nondegree student may be advanced into a degree or certificate program with the approval of the academic advisor if the courses conform to the requirements of the degree or certificate. Nondegree students may not participate in Internships and Practicums.