A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Carol N. Abromaitis, Professor Emerita of English
BA, College of Notre Dame of Maryland; MA, PhD, University of Maryland
Neil Alperstein, Professor Emeritus of Communication; Academic Director, Emerging Media (Communication)
BS, PhD, University of Maryland; MA, Antioch College
Ursula E. Beitter, Professor Emerita of Modern Languages and Literatures (German)
BA, Brooklyn College; MA, PhD, New York University
Arleigh T. Bell, Jr., Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, United States Military Academy; MA, PhD, New School for Social Research
Paul Richard Blum, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
State's Examination, University of Freiburg (Germany); PhD, University of Munich (Germany); Habilitation, Free University of Berlin (Germany)
Katherine Stern Brennan, Associate Professor Emerita of History
BA, Mount Holyoke College; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
James J. Buckley, Professor Emeritus of Theology
BA, Cardinal Glennon College; MA, MPh, PhD, Yale University
Michael Burton, Professor Emeritus of Sociology
BS, Sociology, University of Houston; MA, PhD, University of Texas (Austin)
Henry C. Butcher IV, Professor Emeritus of Biology
BS, Tufts University; MS, PhD, Ohio State University
Diane Chaffee-Sorace, Professor (emerita) of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, Wells College; MA, PhD, Duke University
Charles W. Cheape, Professor Emeritus of History
BA, University of Virginia; MA, PhD, Brandeis University
Andrew Ciofalo, Professor Emeritus of Communication
AB, Brooklyn College; MS, Columbia University
Malcolm G. Clark, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Lic. Phil., Heythrop College; STL, University of Innsbruck; PhD, University of Louvain
Jean Lee Cole, Professor Emerita of English; Director, Community-Engaged Learning and Scholarship; Program Advisor, Minor in American Studies
BA, Carleton College; MA, PhD, University of Texas (Austin)
Russell J. Cook, Professor Emeritus of Communication
BFA, MA, Miami University (Ohio); PhD, Ohio University (Athens)
Bryan L. Crockett, Associate Professor Emeritus of English
BA, Grinnell College; MA, Vanderbilt University; PhD, University of Iowa
David G. Crough, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BS, Ursinus College; MA, PhD, The Catholic University of America
Francis J. Cunningham, Associate Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
BS, Fairfield University; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; MA, PhD, Fordham University
Arthur L. Delcher, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
BA, MES, Loyola College in Maryland; MA, MSE, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Victor R. Delclos, Professor Emeritus of Education
BA, Boston College; MS, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University
Frederick W. Derrick, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, MS, PhD, North Carolina State University
Gregory N. Derry, Professor Emeritus of Physics
BS, Union College; PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Dipa Sarkar Dey, Associate Professor Emerita of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, MSC, Dacca University; MSE, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University
James E. Dockery, Associate Professor Emeritus of Visual and Performing Arts (Theatre)
Lic. Phil., MEd, Fordham University; MA, STM, Woodstock College
Randall P. Donaldson, Associate Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages and Literatures (German); Director, Graduate Program in Liberal Studies
BA, Pomona College; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Bill M. Donovan, Associate Professor Emeritus of History
BA, University of Texas (Austin); MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
David C. Dougherty, Professor Emeritus of English
AB, West Liberty State College; MA, Xavier University; PhD, Miami University (Ohio)
Wayne L. Elban, Professor Emeritus of Engineering
BChE, PhD, University of Delaware; MS, University of Maryland
Nan S. Ellis, Professor Emerita of Law
BA, JD, Ohio State University
Paul C. Ergler, Associate Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations
BS, ME, MS, Drexel University; DBA, The George Washington University
Harold D. Fletcher, Professor Emeritus of Finance
BS, Western Kentucky University; MA, University of Kentucky; PhD, University of Illinois
Sally Gallena, Associate Professor Emerita of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, Towson University; MS, Loyola College in Maryland; CCC-SLP
Faith D. Gilroy, Professor Emerita of Psychology
BA, Mount Saint Agnes College; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, St. Louis University
Charles R. Graham, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biology
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, PhD, University of Delaware
John A. Gray, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, St. Mary's Seminary; STB, STL, Gregorian University; STD, The Catholic University of America; JD, University of Baltimore
Frank R. Haig, S.J., Professor Emeritus of Physics
BA, STB, STL, Woodstock College; PhD, The Catholic University of America
Margaret Austin Haggstrom, Associate Professor Emerita of Modern Languages and Literatures (French)
BA, MA, University of Texas (Austin); PhD, University of Minnesota
John C. Hennessey, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, Fordham University; MS, Purdue University; PhD, University of Maryland
Francis G. Hilton, Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BA, MA, Fordham University; MA, Loyola University (Chicago); MTheo, MDiv, Weston School of Theology; MEd, Harvard University; PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Ellen D. Hoadley, Professor Emerita of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, Florida State University; MBA, PhD, Indiana University
Steven C. Hughes, Professor Emeritus of History
BA, University of Colorado; MA, University of Connecticut; PhD, University of Michigan
John M. Jordan, Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, Brigham Young University; MS, PhD, Purdue University
Roger J. Kashlak, Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations
BS, University of Pennsylvania; MBA, PhD, Temple University
Donald A. Keefer, Professor Emeritus of Biology
BA, Western Maryland College; MS, American University; PhD, University of North Carolina
Kermit O. Keeling, Associate Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BSEE, University of Cincinnati; MBA, Southern Methodist University; LLM, JD, University of Houston; CPA
Marie Kerins, Professor Emerita of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, Marquette University; MS, Loyola College in Maryland; EdD, Johns Hopkins University; CCC-SLP
William I. Kitchin, Associate Professor Emeritus of Political Science
BA, Tulane University; MS, University of Virginia; JD, University of Baltimore; PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Libby Kumin, Professor Emerita of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, Long Island University; MA, PhD, New York University; CCC-SLP
John C. Larson, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BA, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota
Angela M. Leonard, Associate Professor Emerita of History
AB, Harvard/Radcliffe Colleges; MLS, Vanderbilt University; MPhil, PhD, The George Washington University
Brian F. Linnane, S.J., Professor of Theology; President Emeritus
AB, Boston College; MA, Georgetown University; MDiv, STL, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley; MA, MPhil, PhD, Yale University
Charles T. LoPresto, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology; Director, Undergraduate Field Education (Psychology)
BA, LaSalle University; MA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, Howard University
Peter Lorenzi, Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations
BS, MBA, Binghamton University; PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Janet Maher, Associate Professor Emerita of Visual and Performing Arts (Studio Arts)
BS, Southern Connecticut College; MA, MFA, University of New Mexico
Charles R. Margenthaler, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, Bradley University; MS, Arizona State University; MS, West Coast University; PhD, University of Illinois; PE
Ilona M. McGuiness, Associate Professor Emerita of Writing
BA, Southern Illinois University (Carbondale); MA, Iowa State University (Ames); MA, PhD, University of Iowa
Timothy J. McNeese, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
BS, North Dakota State University; AM, PhD, Harvard University
Anthony J. Mento, Professor Emeritus of Management
BA, PhD, University of Maryland; MA, Towson University
Alfred R. Michenzi, Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BS, University of Pittsburgh; MS, Case Institute of Technology; PhD, Case Western Reserve University; CPA
Melvin P. Miller, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MA, PhD, Princeton University
Cindy Moore, Professor Emerita of Writing
BJ, MA, University of Nebraska (Lincoln); PhD, University of Louisville
Leslie Zarker Morgan, Professor Emerita of Modern Languages and Literatures (Italian and French)
AB, Mount Holyoke College; MA, Middlebury College; MA, MPhil, PhD, Yale University
Christopher H. Morrell, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics (Statistics)
BSc, University of Cape Town; MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Margaret Musgrove, Assistant Professor Emerita of Writing
BA, University of Connecticut; MS, Central Connecticut State University; EdD, University of Massachusetts
Ronald Pearl, Professor Emeritus of Visual and Performing Arts (Music)
BM, San Francisco Conservatory of Music; MM, Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University
Thomas R. Pegram, Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Santa Clara University; PhD, Brandeis University
Daniel M. Perrine, Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
BA, MDiv, Loyola University (Chicago); MA, Fordham University; PhD, University of Illinois (Chicago)
Helene F. Perry, Associate Professor Emerita of Physics
AB, Sweet Briar College; MA, Johns Hopkins University
William D. Reddy, Associate Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, MS, St. Louis University; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, St. Louis University
E. Barry Rice, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; MBA, University of Maryland; CPA
Elana E. Rock, Associate Professor Emerita of Education
BA, University of Pennsylvania; MA, New York University; EdD, Johns Hopkins University
David F. Roswell, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
AB, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Jai P. Ryu, Professor Emeritus of Sociology
BA, Seoul National University; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota
Roberta Evans Sabin, Professor Emerita of Computer Science
BA, The College of Notre Dame of Maryland; MA, Villanova University; MEd, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, Johns Hopkins University; PhD, University of Maryland
Tagi Sagafi-nejad, Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations
BSc, Pahlavi University; MS, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Irmgard Braier Scherer, Associate Professor Emerita of Philosophy
BA, George Mason University; MA, PhD, American University
Elizabeth Schmidt, Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Oberlin College; MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Charles E. Scott, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, University of North Carolina; MBA, University of Montana; MA, PhD, Vanderbilt University
Ali M. Sedaghat, Associate Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BA, Abadan Institute of Technology; MBA, DBA, The George Washington University; CMA
Phoebe C. Sharkey, Professor Emerita of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
AB, Duke University; MS, Georgetown University; PhD, Johns Hopkins University
A. Kimbrough Sherman, Associate Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
AB, Brown University; MBA, PhD, University of Maryland
Martin F. Sherman, Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BA, University of Connecticut; PhD, University of Maine
Laurette P. Simmons, Associate Professor Emerita of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, Ithaca College; MBA, PhD, University of North Texas
Leroy F. Simmons, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, Washburn University; MS, University of Missouri; PhD, University of Tennessee
Wendy M. Smith, Professor Emerita of Education
BA, State University of New York at Genesco; MEd, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; PhD, University of Wyoming
Steven A. Sobelman, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BA, Norwich University; PhD, American University
Timothy J. Stapleton, Associate Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
BS, MacMurray College; MA, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Ron Tanner, Professor Emeritus of Writing
BA, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill); MFA, University of Iowa; PhD, University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
Thomas A. Ulrich, Professor Emeritus of Finance
AB, Franklin and Marshall College; MS, University of Delaware; PhD, Michigan State University; CMA; CFA
Barbara H. Vann, Associate Professor Emerita of Sociology
BA, University of Alabama (Birmingham); MA, East Tennessee State University; PhD, University of Arizona
Anthony D. Villa, Professor Emeritus of Visual and Performing Arts (Music)
BA, Loyola College in Maryland; MM, DMA, University of Maryland
Stephen J. K. Walters, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BA, University of Pennsylvania; MA, PhD, University of California (Los Angeles)
Thomas Ward, Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
BA, Southern Connecticut State University; MA, PhD, University of Connecticut
Nancy A. Williams, Associate Professor Emerita of Economics
BS, University of California (Riverside); MA, PhD, University of California (Berkeley)
George M. Wright, Associate Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, United States Naval Academy; MBA, DBA, The George Washington University
Anne L. Young, Professor Emerita of Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics)
BS, Wheaton College (Illinois); MS, PhD, Michigan State University
Norbert M. Zaczek, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, PhD, Carnegie-Mellon University