2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalogue 
    Feb 19, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Emeriti/ae Faculty

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Neil Alperstein, Professor Emeritus of Communication; Academic Director, Emerging Media (Communication)
BS, PhD, University of Maryland; MA, Antioch College

Arleigh T. Bell, Jr., Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, United States Military Academy; MA, PhD, New School for Social Research

James J. Buckley, Professor Emeritus of Theology
BA, Cardinal Glennon College; MA, MPh, PhD, Yale University

Sharon E. Cheston, Professor Emerita of Pastoral Counseling
BA, Roanoke College; MEd, North Carolina State University; EdD, Northern Illinois University; LCPC

Russell J. Cook, Professor Emeritus of Communication
BFA, MA, Miami University (Ohio); PhD, Ohio University (Athens)

David G. Crough, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BS, Ursinus College; MA, PhD, The Catholic University of America

Victor R. Delclos, Professor Emeritus of Education
BA, Boston College; MS, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University

Frederick W. Derrick, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, MS, PhD, North Carolina State University

Randall P. Donaldson, Associate Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages and Literatures (German)
BA, Pomona College; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Nan S. Ellis, Professor Emerita of Law
BA, JD, Ohio State University

Paul C. Ergler, Associate Professor Emeritus of Management and International Business
BS, ME, MS, Drexel University; DBA, The George Washington University

Barry K. Estadt, Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Counseling; Founding Director, Pastoral Counseling Department
BA, St. Fidelis College; MA, PhD, The Catholic University of America

L. Mickey Fenzel, Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Counseling
BS, MBA, PhD, Cornell University; MA, Loyola College in Maryland; Licensed Psychologist

Harold D. Fletcher, Professor Emeritus of Finance
BS, Western Kentucky University; MA, University of Kentucky; PhD, University of Illinois

Sally Gallena, Associate Professor Emerita of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, Towson University; MS, Loyola College in Maryland; CCC-SLP

Faith D. Gilroy, Professor Emerita of Psychology
BA, Mount Saint Agnes College; MBA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, St. Louis University

John A. Gray, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, St. Mary's Seminary; STB, STL, Georgian University; STD, The Catholic University of America; JD, University of Baltimore

Joanne Marie Greer, Professor Emerita of Pastoral Counseling
BS, St. Mary's Dominican College; MEd, Louisiana State University; PhD, University of Maryland

Francis G. Hilton, Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BA, MA, Fordham University; MA, Loyola University (Chicago); MTheo, MDiv, Weston School of Theology; MEd, Harvard University; PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)

Ellen D. Hoadley, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, Florida State University; MBA, PhD, Indiana University

John M. Jordan, Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MS, Brigham Young University; MS, PhD, Purdue University

Roger J. Kashlak, Professor Emeritus of Management and International Business
BS, University of Pennsylvania; MBA, PhD, Temple University

Kermit O. Keeling, Associate Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BSEE, University of Cincinnati; MBA, Southern Methodist University; LLM, JD, University of Houston; CPA

Marie Kerins, Professor Emerita of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BS, Marquette University; MS, Loyola College in Maryland; EdD, Johns Hopkins University; CCC-SLP

Libby Kumin, Professor Emerita of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
BA, Long Island University; MA, PhD, New York University; CCC-SLP

John C. Larson, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BA, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota

Brian F. Linnane, S.J., Professor of Theology; President Emeritus
AB, Boston College; MA, Georgetown University; MDiv, STL, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley; MA, MPhil, PhD, Yale University

Peter R. Litchka, Professor Emeritus of Education
BA, State University of New York at Geneseo; MEd, Johns Hopkins University; EdD, Seton Hall University

Charles T. LoPresto, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BA, LaSalle University; MA, Loyola College in Maryland; PhD, Howard University

Peter Lorenzi, Professor Emeritus of Management and International Business
BS, MBA, Binghamton University; PhD, Pennsylvania State University

Charles R. Margenthaler, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, Bradley University; MS, Arizona State University; MS, West Coast University; PhD, University of Illinois; PE

Anthony J. Mento, Professor Emeritus of Management and International Business
BA, PhD, University of Maryland; MA, Towson University

Alfred R. Michenzi, Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BS, University of Pittsburgh; MS, Case Institute of Technology; PhD, Case Western Reserve University; CPA

Christopher H. Morrell, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics (Statistics)
BSc, University of Cape Town; MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison)

Donald J. Reitz, Professor Emeritus of Education
AB, St. Mary's Seminary and University; MA, The Catholic University of America; PhD, Johns Hopkins University

E. Barry Rice, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; MBA, University of Maryland; CPA

Lee J. Richmond, Professor Emerita of Education
BS, Loyola College in Maryland; MEd, Johns Hopkins University; PhD, University of Maryland

Elana E. Rock, Associate Professor Emerita of Education
BA, University of Pennsylvania; MA, New York University; EdD, Johns Hopkins University

Tagi Sagafi-nejad, Professor Emeritus of Management and International Business
BSc, Pahlavi University; MS, PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Charles E. Scott, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, University of North Carolina; MBA, University of Montana; MA, PhD, Vanderbilt University

Ali M. Sedaghat, Associate Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BA, Abadan Institute of Technology; MBA, DBA, The George Washington University; CMA

Phoebe C. Sharkey, Professor Emerita of Information Systems and Operations
AB, Duke University; MS, Georgetown University; PhD, Johns Hopkins University

A. Kimbrough Sherman, Associate Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
AB, Brown University; MBA, PhD, University of Maryland

Martin F. Sherman, Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BA, University of Connecticut; PhD, University of Maine

Laurette P. Simmons, Associate Professor Emerita of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BA, Ithaca College; MBA, PhD, University of North Texas

Leroy F. Simmons, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems and Operations Management
BA, Washburn University; MS, University of Missouri; PhD, University of Tennessee

Wendy M. Smith, Professor Emerita of Education
BA, State University of New York at Genesco; MEd, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; PhD, University of Wyoming

Steven A. Sobelman, Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology
BA, Norwich University; PhD, American University

Thomas A. Ulrich, Professor Emeritus of Finance
AB, Franklin and Marshall College; MS, University of Delaware; PhD, Michigan State University; CMA; CFA

Stephen J.K. Walters, Professor Emeritus of Economics
BA, University of Pennsylvania; MA, PhD, University of California (Los Angeles)

Robert J. Wicks, Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Counseling
BA, Fairfield University; MA, St. John's University; PsyD, Hahnemann Medical College

Nancy A. Williams, Associate Professor Emerita of Economics
BS, University of California (Riverside); MA, PhD, University of California (Berkeley)

George M. Wright, Associate Professor Emeritus of Information Systems, Law, and Operations
BS, United States Naval Academy; MBA, DBA, The George Washington University