2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MG 499  -  Management Internship

(3.00 cr.)

Combines practical work experience with applied classroom work and projects. Individual internship placements found for students. Students must complete a minimum of 150 hours working at the organization/business on projects and activities assigned by the supervisor. Scheduled performance reviews are completed by the student's supervisor. Classroom projects include: multiple networking assignments related to the internship placement, conducting and submitting a written industry analysis, weekly written reports integrating learning from completed coursework and the internship, reading a specialized "readings list" related to the industry of the student's placement, and developing an updated resume and cover letter at the end of the internship. Written or electronic permission of the department chair or instructor.

Prerequisite: MG 201  or BH 201 , 60 credits. 
Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring/Summer
Years Typically Offered: Annually

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