2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue 
    Mar 29, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue

The University


Since its founding, Loyola University Maryland has challenged itself to remain grounded in a centuries-old tradition of Jesuit, liberal arts education, while continually seeking to adapt to changing circumstances. In this balance between values and the desire to serve the greater community, the University has managed to create itself anew, time and again.

Loyola rose from humble beginnings in 1852 as the first college in the United States to bear the name of Saint Ignatius Loyola. It was founded by Father John Early and eight other Jesuits to enable the young Catholics—and non-Catholics as well—of Baltimore to obtain a liberal education without the commitment of joining the priesthood. Less than a year after its founding, Loyola was granted a charter from the Maryland Legislature, thus allowing it to grant university-level degrees.

Loyola's original location in a house on Holliday Street in downtown Baltimore is marked by a commemorative plaque in what is now Baltimore's War Memorial Plaza. Within a few years, the growing student body sought ample space, and construction of a new facility at Calvert and Madison Streets was completed in 1855. That building now houses Center Stage, Baltimore's intimate theatre for professional drama groups, and Saint Ignatius Loyola Academy, a Jesuit middle school for boys.

Loyola's early curriculum was similar to that offered at most other colleges in America at the time. Courses included Latin, Greek, and English; humanities and rhetoric; mathematics; the natural sciences; philosophy; and religion. By the 1920s, Loyola's alumni were immersed in the civic and professional life of Baltimore. The most common career paths for young graduates were law and medicine.

In time, the student body once again outgrew its facilities, and Loyola moved to its present campus in north Baltimore in 1921. The Great Depression and World War II brought a temporary halt to physical expansion, but during that time course offerings were increased and the faculty was organized into departments. The offering of evening classes began in 1942, and seven years later, to fill the expressed needs of teachers in the Baltimore metropolitan area, a graduate division in education was established. That graduate program signaled the start of tremendous change for Loyola, and in the ensuing years, graduate programs in business administration, accounting, clinical mental health counseling, counselor education and supervision, data science, emerging media, finance, liberal studies, psychology, speech-language-hearing sciences, and theology were established.

Loyola has always found energy in its adherence to Jesuit tenets and in its desire to remain relevant to a changing world. At no time has that been more apparent than in recent decades, which have been marked by a number of significant, transformative events. The first was the advent of coeducation in 1971, when nearby Mount Saint Agnes College joined Loyola. The second was the establishment of a separate school of business-The Joseph A. Sellinger, S.J., School of Business and Management-which helped Loyola establish partnerships with the regional business community. The third change involved the presence of laity on the Board of Trustees, which brought greater openness to the governance of the institution and eventually led to the decision to become a regional and residential college. Then, in 2009, Loyola changed its designation to Loyola University Maryland, a decision reflecting its commitment to both its historic foundations and the institution it had become. That same year, Loyola established a School of Education-one whose primary aim is to develop highly effective and ethical educational leaders and change agents who share the University's convictions about, and commitment to, bringing about social justice by improving education for all children, especially those who have suffered most from an inadequate system.

These milestones brought with them unprecedented periods of growth and achievement. The 1994 approval for a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa-an honor for the arts and sciences faculty held by only 275 other institutions-complemented the 1988 accreditation of the Sellinger School of Business and Management by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International. A tremendous dedication to emerging technology also helps ensure that today's students will have all of the ancillary skills necessary for an ever-changing workplace. A loyal alumni population, strong corporate and civic support, and the dedication and commitment of the laity who assist the Jesuit priests and the Sisters of Mercy in their work have all helped Loyola achieve distinction as a leading Catholic university.

With 335 full-time faculty, Loyola today has more than 5,400 undergraduate and graduate students representing 41 states and 54 foreign countries. More than 80 percent of undergraduate students live on campus, and more than 60 percent study abroad for at least a semester through one of Loyola's packaged or exchange programs, affiliations, or approved programs at other colleges and universities. Through various exchange programs, Loyola also welcomes international students to its Baltimore Campus, thereby enriching the cultural life of the University.

Loyola's liberal arts foundation remains the cornerstone of its curriculum. Programs of study emphasize the exercise of reason, intellectual curiosity, and the power of communication. Inseparable from Loyola's academic tradition, however, is the call for members of its community to live and serve in the world beyond Evergreen as committed leaders and servants for the good of others. This melding of study and service gives life to the University, and offers a greater contribution to humankind.


Loyola University Maryland is a Jesuit, Catholic university committed to the educational and spiritual traditions of the Society of Jesus and to the ideals of liberal education and the development of the whole person. Accordingly, the University will inspire students to learn, lead, and serve in a diverse and changing world.


The education of men and women of compassion and competence, imbued with the desire to seek in all things the greater glory of God, represents the enduring aspiration of Loyola University Maryland. That ideal, first elucidated by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus and namesake of this University, continues to guide Loyola as it strives to lead students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends forward to the promise of an examined life of intellectual, social, and spiritual discernment.

The standards by which we measure that achievement will be many: the enrollment of outstanding students; the creation of a diverse and supportive community; the cultivation of a rigorous intellectual climate; the scholarly achievements of the faculty; the recognition of peers; the intellectual and professional attainments and generosity of spirit of the alumni.

Loyola will do so by providing undergraduate students with a liberal education that transforms them, that ensures they place the highest value on the intellectual life, and that instills in them an understanding that leadership and service to the world are intimately connected. Likewise, Loyola will be a recognized leader in graduate education, offering programs which are responsive to the needs of the professional and academic communities it serves, inspiring its graduate students to leadership, and inculcating in them the knowledge that service to the larger world is a defining measure of their professional responsibilities fully understood.

In all of this, Loyola University Maryland will remain ever mindful of the Jesuit precept that the aim of all education ultimately is the ennoblement of the human spirit.


From the time of their founding four-and-a-half centuries ago, Jesuits-beginning with their founder, Saint Ignatius Loyola-have had a distinctive way of looking at life. Their characteristic Ignatian worldview has permeated their educational and spiritual apostolates, and has been shared with hundreds of thousands of women and men formed by Jesuit teaching and pastoral care. This Ignatian worldview includes the following characteristic notes or emphases:

  • openness and enthusiasm toward the whole of God's richly diverse creation and for the human person as its crowning glory;
  • hopefulness and pragmatism in seeking graced solutions to life's challenges through creative use of all available gifts and resources, tempered by realism and compassion about the reality of human weakness;
  • sustained critical attention to motivations and choices based on the conviction that individuals, through the exercise of their freedom, exert a real influence on their world and one another for good or for evil; and
  • commitment to a life of growing integrity and increasing service to God and others after the Gospel model of Jesus Christ.

As a Jesuit, Catholic university founded in 1852, Loyola University Maryland adopts and adapts these characteristic emphases of the Ignatian heritage and reflects them in its life and work. Loyola's Jesuit tradition was complemented and enriched by the tradition of the Mercy Sisters when the Loyola joined with Mount Saint Agnes College in 1971; and Loyola continues to remember and to recognize with gratitude the gifts which it received as a result of that joining. One of the particular ways in which Loyola preserves its religious heritage while recognizing and incorporating the necessary openness to pluralism, which is characteristic of American higher education today, is by encouraging all of its constituents to cultivate and to live by the following core values: academic excellence, focus on the whole person, integrity and honesty, diversity, community, justice, service, leadership, discernment, and the constant challenge to improve.

Learning Aims

Intellectual Excellence

  • Appreciation of and passion for intellectual endeavor and the life of the mind
  • Appreciation of and grounding in the liberal arts and sciences
  • Excellence in a discipline, including understanding of the relationship between one's discipline and other disciplines; understanding the interconnectedness of all knowledge
  • Habits of intellectual curiosity, honesty, humility, and persistence

Critical Understanding: Thinking, Reading, and Analyzing

  • The ability to evaluate a claim based on documentation, plausibility, and logical coherence
  • The ability to analyze and solve problems using appropriate tools
  • The ability to make sound judgments in complex and changing environments
  • Freedom from narrow, solipsistic, or parochial thinking
  • The ability to use mathematical concepts and procedures competently, and to evaluate claims made in numeric terms
  • The ability to find and assess data about a given topic using general repositories of information, both printed and electronic
  • The ability to use information technology in research and problem solving, with an appreciation of its advantages and limitations

Eloquentia Perfecta

  • The ability to use speech and writing effectively, logically, gracefully, persuasively, and responsibly
  • Critical understanding of and competence in a broad range of communications media
  • Competence in a language other than one's own


  • An appreciation of beauty, both natural and man-made
  • A cultivated response to the arts, and the ability to express oneself about aesthetic experience


  • An understanding of one's strengths and capabilities as a leader and the responsibility one has to use leadership strengths for the common good
  • A willingness to act as an agent for positive change, informed by a sense of responsibility to the larger community

Faith and Mission

  • An understanding of the mission of the Catholic university as an institution dedicated to exploring the intersection of faith and reason, and experience and competence in exploring that intersection
  • An understanding of the mission of the Society of Jesus and of the religious Sisters of Mercy, especially of what it means to teach, learn, lead, and serve "for the greater glory of God"
  • A habit of thoughtful, prayerful, and responsible discernment of the voice of God in daily life; a mature faith
  • Habits of reflection in solitude and in community
  • A commitment to put faith into action

Promotion of Justice

  • An appreciation of the great moral issues of our time: the sanctity of human life, poverty, racism, genocide, war and peace, religious tolerance and intolerance, the defense of human rights, and the environmental impact of human activity
  • Commitment to promote justice for all, based on a respect for the dignity and sanctity of human life
  • Commitment to and solidarity with persons who are materially poor or otherwise disadvantaged


  • Recognition of the inherent value and dignity of each person, and therefore an awareness of, sensitivity toward, and respect for the differences of race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, and disabilities
  • Awareness of the structural sources, consequences, and responsibilities of privilege
  • Awareness of the global context of citizenship and an informed sensitivity to the experiences of peoples outside of the United States
  • Awareness of the multiplicity of perspectives that bear on the human experience, and the importance of historical, global and cultural context in determining the way we see the world


  • Attentiveness to development of the whole person-mind, body, and spirit
  • Ability to balance and integrate care for self and care for others
  • Understanding of the importance of productive and responsible use of leisure time
  • Freedom from addictive behaviors

Graduation Rates

In compliance with Title I of the Student Right to Know Act, Loyola University reports that the completion or graduation rate by August 2023 for students who entered the University on a full-time basis in 2017 was 76 percent. Ninety-six percent of the student athletes receiving athletic-related aid who entered in 2017 graduated by August 2023.


Undergraduate full-time enrollment for Fall 2023

Full -Time Men 1,720
Full -Time Women 2,209
Full - Time Other 24
Total 3,953

Diversity Statement

Loyola University Maryland values the benefits of diversity and is committed to creating a community which recognizes the inherent value and dignity of each person. As a community, the University actively promotes an awareness of and sensitivity toward differences of race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, and disabilities among students, faculty, administrators, and staff.

Academic Organization

The Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for the academic operations of Loyola University. The office includes three academic units-Loyola College of Arts & Sciences, the School of Education, and the Joseph A. Sellinger, S.J., School of Business and Management-offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs. These academic units are under the direction of deans who are responsible for the program of majors offered, staffing of courses, academic advising, recruitment of faculty, and faculty development activities.

Loyola College comprises the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Classics, Communication and Media, Computer Science, Data Science, Engineering Science, English, Forensic Science, Global Studies, History, Honors Program, Mathematics and Statistics, Military Science, Modern Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Theology, Visual and Performing Arts, and Writing.

The School of Education comprises the Departments of Education Specialties and Teacher Education.

The Sellinger School of Business and Management comprises the Departments of Accounting; Economics; Finance; Information Systems, Law, and Operations (ISLO), Management and Organizations; and Marketing.

Campus and Buildings

Loyola University Maryland maintains the evergreen campus in Baltimore city.  For maps and driving directions, visit www.loyola.edu/about/directions.

The Alumni Memorial Chapel, dedicated to Loyola alumni who served in World War I and World War II, was constructed in 1952 and renovated in 1993. The Chapel is the physical and spiritual center of the campus. Sixteen large, stained-glass windows along the Chapel's nave depict major Jesuit saints, while Catholic history is illustrated in the stained-glass windows at the four terminals of the nave and the transept. Seven smaller windows depict historic shrines from around the world dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Above the front facade of the Chapel is the statue of Our Lady of Evergreen, donated in 1952 by Fulton Oursler, senior editor of Reader's Digest and author of The Greatest Story Ever Told.

Located beneath the Chapel, Cohn Hall houses Campus Ministry. Just south of the Chapel is a September 11 Memorial, partially funded by a gift from the Class of 2003.

Until March 1992, the large Tudor-style mansion at the center of the quadrangle served as the home of Loyola's Jesuit community. Now called The Reverend Francis Xavier Knott, S.J., Humanities Center, the building underwent a major expansion and renovation in 1993 to fulfill the goal of centralizing academic and administrative offices. The Humanities Center houses the President's Office, the Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, and the office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management; offices for Undergraduate Admission, the Counseling Center, Financial Aid, International Programs, International Student Services, and the Center for Community Service and Justice; faculty offices for the Departments of Classics, English, History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Theology; an Honors seminar room; lecture-style classrooms; several conference rooms; and a dining area.

The mansion was initially built by the prominent Garrett family in 1895 as a wedding gift to the Garrett's son, who died while on an extended trip to Europe before the building was completed. Later, the building served as a rehabilitation center for blind veterans of World War I before Loyola acquired it in 1921.

Beatty Hall, originally named the Jenkins Science Building, was completed in 1922 and renovated in 1974, 1980, and 1995. The structure, built with locally quarried stone, houses departments within the School of Education and the departments of Psychology and Sociology. After its 1974 renovation, the building was renamed in honor of the Reverend Vincent F. Beatty, S.J., who served as Loyola's president from 1955-1964.  In 2021, Beatty Hall was expanded by the addition of the the Miguel B. Fernandez Family Center for Innovation and Collaborative Learning.  This Center houses the academic departments of Education, Psychology, Sociology and Speech Language Hearing Sciences.  The building also is home to the Rizzo Career Center, the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and an Idea Lab at the Center of the first floor.  All 13 classrooms are designed to support active learning and there are numerous shared spaces in the form of open collaborative areas like the academic loft on the 3rd floor of the building, conference rooms, group study rooms, interview rooms, and research rooms.  A large commons and café occupy a portion of the first floor.

Jenkins Hall opened just before Thanksgiving in 1929, and its highlight was the library on its top floor. Until its closure for renovation in January 2000, it served as the center for the Sellinger School of Business and Management. The refurbished facility now houses administrative offices, including the Office of Academic Affairs, Student Athlete Support Services, and The Study—a spacious student study area on the third floor. The Study offers academic support services for all undergraduate and graduate students, including peer and professional tutoring, academic success workshops, one-on-one academic counseling, and time management and organization coaching.

In 1965, Loyola expanded its classroom facilities with the addition of the five-story building, Maryland Hall. Named to acknowledge a 1962 grant from the state, the structure initially served as an engineering and science building. Maryland Hall now houses the Academic Advising and Support Center, the office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Disability Support Services, Messina, the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, a language learning center, the Office of the Registrar, Student Administrative Services, the Writing Department, the Writing Center, and classrooms. A major renovation, completed in 2002, increased academic space; added classrooms; and created a new, state-of-the-art language resource center.

The Joseph A. Sellinger, S.J., School of Business and Management, a 50,000-square-foot classroom and office building which opened in January 2000, is adjacent to Maryland Hall and anchors Loyola's academic quadrangle. The facility, which features a five-story atrium, houses 10 classrooms, five seminar rooms, four conference rooms, the Dean's office, faculty offices, and a student lounge. It also houses the Student Experiential Learning Lab (SELL). Completed in 2010, the state-of-the-art SELL offers Loyola students access to the same technology, equipment, and real-time updates used by professionals in today's financial markets.  

Donnelly Science Center was completed in 1978. Its construction enabled Loyola to expand and upgrade its science facilities to include laboratories, workshops and a number of faculty offices. The building also houses the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Engineering Science, and their associated teaching/research labs. The most recent expansion of Donnelly in 2011 added state-of-the-art laboratories, classrooms and faculty offices to the facility, reflecting Loyola's commitment to science instruction and research.

Knott Hall, completed in 1989, adjoins the Donnelly Science Center. It houses the Departments of Physics and Mathematics and Statistics; the Office of Digital Teaching and Learning; Technology Services; Technology Training Center; lecture-style classrooms; two lecture halls (renovated in 2015); classrooms; and computer labs. The USF&G Pedestrian Bridge links the east side of the campus with the west section and provides an upper-level entrance to the building.

The DeChiaro College Center is a long, rectangular five-story building that opened in 1985. It houses the Julio Fine Arts Wing, containing faculty offices for the Department of Visual and Performing Arts; a rehearsal room; music practice rooms; an art gallery; a high-technology classroom, as well as studio classrooms for drama, art, and music; and a fully-equipped photography center. In addition, the wing contains the McManus Theatre, which has a seating capacity of 300.

The College Center includes offices for the Departments of Communication and Media and Visual and Performing Arts, several conference rooms, and a black box theatre. The center also houses Reitz Arena, which contains a gymnasium with three basketball courts and a seating capacity of 2,000. The facilities also include a weight room, training rooms, locker rooms, a VIP lounge, and athletics offices, as well as a music recording studio and the TV studio for GreyComm Studios.

The Andrew White Student Center is named for the Reverend Andrew White, S.J., who was part of a small group of English Catholics who helped found the state of Maryland when the first expedition landed in 1634. The Student Center-a popular hub on the Baltimore Campus features dining facilities, student gathering and study spaces, and program and office space. The center houses the athletics department, ALANA services, the Center for Intercultural Engagement, and the office of student engagement.

In summer 2017, both the Loyola bookstore and post office - Stamp It! moved to a new location to a building adjacent to Diane Geppi-Aikens Field. 

Ignatius House is home to Loyola's Jesuit community. Formerly Millbrook House, the three-story, stone mansion was built in the 1920s and acquired by Loyola in 1957. Expanded, renovated, and renamed in 1991, it now contains a small chapel and Jesuit living quarters.

The Loyola/Notre Dame Library, located midway between Loyola and Notre Dame of Maryland University, opened in 1973. The library, a joint venture of the two institutions, is unique in being governed by a special corporation established by both but distinct from either institution. The striking, four-story building is situated at a point where both campuses meet, on the banks of a small stream which was dammed to form a reflecting pool.

Students are encouraged to make extensive use of the library and its resources, The library's website (www.loyola.edu/library) serves as a gateway to a variety of resources. A service called Seeker enables students to conduct a single search to find books, articles, and other resources on a topic. Students have access to numerous databases, including Literature Resource Center, Lexis-Nexis Academic, PsycINFO, Business Source Premier, Philosopher's Index, ATLA (religion), ERIC (education), Academic Search Complete, ScienceDirect and others.  The Library also provides access to full-text articles from over 55,000 journals, streaming media, and print materials. Research guides in a wide range of disciplines and topics provide students with links to many online resources. Students can access these resources in the Library, on campus or off campus by using their Loyola user name and password.

The Library is a member of the University System of Maryland & Affiliated Institutions (USMAI).  This membership provides access to over 9 million items located at the 17 USMAI libraries located throughout the state.  Items from these libraries are usually available within 2 days of placing a request.  The library is also a member of EAST (Eastern Academic Scholars Trust), a collaborative that provides access to over 6 million books.  Requests for articles placed through our Interlibrary Loan system are often available with 24 hours.  Some items may take longer depending on where the requested item is located.

Librarians in the Research/Instruction Department assist students in selecting, searching, evaluating, and citing various information sources. Students can ask questions by phone, email, 24/7 chat, or instant messaging. Books and articles not owned by the library can usually be acquired through interlibrary loan within 24 hours. Customer Services Department staff are available to assist with reserve materials and copying/printing facilities. Many reserve readings are available electronically on the library's website.

The library building features several high-tech classrooms, a digital media/adaptive technology lab, a 96-seat auditorium, a screening room, and a variety of seating areas for individual or group study. Computers are located on all four floors. Hours of operation are posted on the library's website (www.loyola.edu/library).

The Facilities Building, located on the east side of campus, houses offices for facilities/project management and sustainability, as well as support operations for the Department of Public Safety/Campus Police. A number of facilities are situated opposite. The John Early House is home to the Department of Military Science. The St. Alphonsus Rodriguez House provides a venue for Campus Ministry.  Justin Ocher House is used as a Print Studio for the Visual and Performing Arts Department.

Cardinal John Henry Newman Towers houses the Forensic Science Department, administrative offices, residence halls, and a dining facility. 

The Fitness and Aquatic Center opened in Fall 2000. The 115,000-square-foot facility features basketball, volleyball, and squash courts; the Mangione Aquatic Center with a pool, diving area, and seats for 500 spectators; running tracks; an indoor climbing wall; a 6,000-square-foot fitness center; and smaller activity rooms and offices.

In March 2010, Loyola celebrated the grand opening of The Reverend Harold Ridley, S.J., Athletic Complex, a 6,000-seat facility that is home to its men's and women's lacrosse and soccer teams. Located two miles west of the Baltimore Campus, the Ridley Athletic Complex features a synthetic turf competition field; video scoreboard; practice field; training facilities; an Air Dome; golf practice facility, locker rooms for home teams, visitors, coaches, and officials; athletics staff offices; press, presidential, and VIP boxes; concession areas; and event space. The McClure Tennis Center, which opened in April 2015, features eight courts with lights, a locker room facility, spectator seating, and a parking lot.

The Loyola Clinical Centers at Belvedere Square serves as a training venue for Loyola graduate students, as well as a multidisciplinary center for the greater Baltimore community. The Clinical Centers offers a holistic approach to assessment, treatment, and consultation for clients and their families. The unique collaboration of the Departments of Psychology, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, and Teacher Education affords a comprehensive evaluation process for clients, as well as a unique learning environment for the training and professional development of Loyola students.

In Spring 1998, Loyola acquired a 3.79-acre parcel and building at 5104 York Road, a half-mile from the Baltimore Campus. The property provides additional parking facilities and is home to a variety of administrative offices such as the Department of Public Safety/Campus Police, Transportation and Parking, Environmental Health and Safety, and Printing and Mail Services. The annex building at this location houses the York Road Initiative office.

In 1999, Loyola acquired a building at 5000 York Road that currently houses Human Resources and a variety of other administrative offices.

In 2014, Loyola acquired 4806 York Road, which houses administrative offices for Technology Services. That same year the Rev. Brian F. Linnane, S.J., Alumni House opened adjacent to Armiger House on Cold Spring Lane. The office of alumni engagement is located there.

Residence Halls

Housing facilities for resident students are fully furnished and carpeted, equipped with heating/air conditioning units, laundry facilities, and vending machines.

Hammerman House and Butler Hall provide coeducational accommodations with gender-specific floors for first-year students. Hammerman House is also home to the Fava Chapel. Located on the east side of the campus, both residences have lounges on each floor and seminar rooms.

In Fall 2007, Loyola opened Thea Bowman Hall, a 350-bed residence for first-year students that also offers seminar rooms for Messina. That same year, Loyola acquired the Rahner Village townhouse complex. The homes began housing upperclass students in Fall 2008.

Ahern and McAuley Halls are located on the northeast side of the campus.

Located on Notre Dame Lane, St. Thomas Aquinas House was acquired in January 2002. Aquinas House is comprised of one- and two-bedroom apartments accommodating 60 students.

Other student residences are located on the west side of the campus. Cardinal John Henry Newman Towers is a nine-story high-rise featuring apartments and suites, as well as the Forensice Science Department, faculty and administrative offices, and a dining facility.  The University began a multi-phased renovation of this building in summer 2021.

Gerard Manley Hopkins Court provides traditional doubles-style accommodations for first-year students. Mary Elizabeth Lange Court offers a combination of townhouse-style residences, suites, and apartments. At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Court and St. Robert Southwell Hall, students reside in apartments and suites.

St. Teresa of Avila Hall, St. Robert Bellarmine Hall, St. Peter Claver Hall, and Dorothy Day Hall comprise 46 three-bedroom units with kitchen facilities. The midrise St. Edmond Campion Tower was acquired in 1995.