2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue 
    Sep 30, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalogue

History, BA

History majors take a minimum of 12 history courses: HS 100 , one HS 200-level course, and 10 upper-division (HS 300- and 400-level) courses. These are normally distributed as follows:

  • HS 100 , which fulfills the lower-level History core requirement.
  • One HS 200-level course, which may also fulfill the upper-level History/English core requirement. 
  • HS 400  provides a foundation for all other HS 300-level and 400-level courses. It is normally taken in the sophomore year after the completion of the core requirement.
  • Up to six HS 300-level electives. These are upper-level courses focused on a specific time period, place, or topic with greater emphasis on historical detail. Up to two additional HS 200-level courses beyond the first 200-level core course may be substituted for HS 300-level courses. Therefore, a maximum of three 200-level courses may count toward the major. Additional 400-level seminars beyond the two seminars required for the major may also be taken in lieu of HS 300-level courses.
  • Two seminars are required from HS 460-498. Seminars are small, intensive courses that are conducted largely through discussion and require a major paper or project. Students may take additional 400-level courses in lieu of 300-level courses.
  • HS 499  is taken in the spring of senior year. It is restricted to majors and involves the preparation of a major research paper as the culmination of the major.
  • History majors who are in the Honors Program take the Honors Human Drama sequence (HN 201-204) instead of HS 100  and may take up to two HS 200-level courses total. They may take a 300-level course or 400-level course (with the instructors permission) to complete the second part of the Honors History/English Core. If a student elects to take a 400-level History course, that course may also count toward the seminar requirements of the History major.

Upper-division courses may be taken in any order, though students usually take seminar courses in the junior or senior years. Majors may also decide to exceed the minimum number of history courses.

Specialized and independent study courses, which serve a particular purpose (HS 401-409) can be taken as part of the 12 courses required for the history major, but cannot be used in lieu of the two seminars or the capstone (HS 499 ). HS 404  may be used to fulfill HS 499 

Specialized tracks: History majors may choose to follow optional specialized tracks within the major, which involves completion of at least three courses on a related theme. The Department currently offers the following tracks: Gender and Sexuality, Health, Environment, Science and Technology, Law and Politics, and Society. 

Useful courses for history majors offered by other departments include Making Sense of Data with Database Management Systems (CS 105 ); Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis (ST 110 ); introductory courses in economics (EC), political science (PS), sociology (SC); and courses in art history (AH), English (EN), and modern languages and literatures (ML).


Interdisciplinary majors are required to take eight history courses:

  • HS 100 - Encountering the Past   
  • One HS 200-level core course
  • HS 400 - The Historian's Craft    
  • Three HS 300-level courses. One HS 200-level course beyond the first HS 200-level core course may be substituted for an HS 300-level elective. Additional 400-level seminars beyond the one seminar required for the interdisciplinary major may also be taken in lieu of HS 300-level courses.
  • One HS 400-level seminar
  • HS 499 - History Capstone   

Requirements for the Major

The typical program below is a suggested sequence for the major to be completed over a four-year period.  Up to two 3 credit electives may be replaced with 1 and 2 credit courses. 

Please note that not all courses count towards a degree. It is recommended that students refer to the academic catalogue to verify course eligibility.


First Year

Fall Term

Spring Term

  • HS 200-Level Course**
  • Fine Arts Core
  • Language Core or
  • Elective
  • Math/Science Core
  • Social Science Core

Sophomore Year

Junior Year

Fall Term

  • HS 300-Level Course*
  • HS 300-Level Course*
  • PL 200-Level Course or TH 200-Level Course
  • Elective
  • Elective

Spring Term

  • HS 300-Level Course*
  • HS 400-Level Seminar*
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective

Senior Year

Fall Term

Spring Term


* Required for major.


  1. The history core requirement consists of HS 100  and one HS 200-level.  HS 100  is normally taken in the first year and is required of all students. 
  2. The Historian's Craft (HS 400 ) ideally should be taken in the sophomore year. The course emphasizes the development of critical thinking and research skills, thus providing crucial preparation for all other HS 300- and 400-level courses.
  3. The completion of HS 100  is required for enrollment in all HS 200-level courses unless special permission is granted by the department chair. 
  4. Written permission of the instructor is required for Intensive Independent Study I/II (HS 401 /HS 402 ), Honors Thesis (HS 403 /HS 404  or HS 406 /HS 407 ), History Internship (HS 405 ), or any history seminars (HS 460-HS 498).
  5. Students must complete the Diversity-Justice requirement by completing two Diversity-Justice designated courses anywhere in their curriculum (see Diversity-Justice Requirement under Curriculum and Policies).